Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I think this is the right thread for this :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

holy shit


I really struggle to understand how anyone could put up with Tucker’s very stiff and stilted delivery. There’s really not a lot natural about it. Just a dude with a whiny voice spewing his grievances off the prompter. And yet this is one of the more charismatic guys among the Republicans? I can’t stand to listen to him for more than about 20 seconds. DeSantis is of a similar ilk. And Trump is still the drunk guy who pins you in a corner and repeats the same shit over and over. And to be perfectly honest, the Dems have done virtually nothing to develop and promote anyone with any more than a hint of coolness. I’m going back to sleep now. Wake me when this shit is over.


You’re just cluing in now that Fox News viewers are actually a bunch of whining crybabies that complain about being oppressed while enjoying every structural advantage in society? This is conservatism 101 stuff, man.


I think it’s more the delivery he means. How can anyone listen to it? It’s entirely grating, and not just because of the basic ideas being communicated. It seems to point to some difference in something.

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This is like asking how heroin addicts can stand the irritation of the pin prick in their arms.


Yeah, I guess that does make sense. … I have a fun needle phobia/response … probably saved me from a life of intravenous drug use. Even with Sherlock Holmes as a positive model, I couldn’t get past it.

What dem has more than a hint of coolness? AOC, I’ll give you. Who else?

Are there just a bunch of cool dems out there that DNC is failing to promote?

I think there are probably a lot of cool dems out there, but unfortunately, they want nothing to do with politics. I really can’t blame them. Most companies have at least one person who seems like a born leader because of their personality and smarts. They may or may not actually be in a leadership role, but they have a way of making themselves popular within their circle. But they don’t venture into politics. I wish they would.


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It really sucks about his health. He’d be killing it otherwise.


OK, that’s two.

Grandpa Joe is cool in certain perverse way.

:coolbiden: → literally an emoji for it

Well, he’s certainly making a strong case for it tonight.

At least a hint of cool confirmed.

Was about to ask what you meant then clicked on the Rupar thread.
Wow, that was something else.


Zooey Zephyr

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