Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Mr. Carlson’s contract, worth $20 million a year, is expected to be paid out.


I hearted and then unhearted this since I think wafflecrush is overstating it.

I do fail to see why anyone who was worried about a Biden loss would be less worried about Carlson. He’s a much more polished version of trump. He’s young and vital. He has bothsides bonafides after working at CNN. He is now living proof of the deep state’s agenda and he doesn’t have the sordid history that Trump does.

Not sure I beleive this is what everyone means, but it dosen’t make any sense either! Why would you think he would run for office just because he was fired?

Tucker is the same kind of candidate that Dr. Kelli trotted out in AZ and went like 0-25 the last few cycles. Meanwhile, non-crazy GOP candidates have won several elections.

Biden would beat Tucker handily here.

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Tucker is a more renowned and slightly more polished version of someone like like JD Vance. I don’t see why he’d be any more successful. I don’t see how he energizes the base more than Trump and don’t see how he’s going to appeal to moderates.

Literally, who? Some whackadoodle I’ve never heard of isn’t a good analogy for a guy with a national following of millions of viewers.

But JD won his race! He ran on a full-on crazy white supremacist platform in Ohio and crushed it.

I agree with you, and these things have been elements of Republican campaigns for decades. The thing is that they’re progressively moving away from code words and dog whistles to explicit white nationalism. Trump was an escalation but the snippets from Tucker’s show that I have had the misfortune to see are an order of magnitude worse.

Lake and Masters.

Also, there were lots of GOP Primary rejects (like DK herself who lost to Martha McSally lol).

Basically, Arizona doesn’t elect Republicans statewide who (publicly state that they) hate McCain.

Are we talking about DeSantis again?

Nobody can be a “polished Trump”. He is Trump precisely because he is unpolished.

Tucker will definitely carry Ohio. Not sure how that means he’s going to beat Biden.

Also, Tucker would get erased by Trump the second he tried to take him on.

Seriously. Joe Public thinks (not incorrectly) that being polished means being insincere, and Trump’s absolutely sincerity in being a racist ignorant asshole has always been his biggest political strength.

JD won, but mostly because Ohio is now pretty damn red. I wouldn’t say he crushed it - he underperformed Trump in 2020. Tucker would also win Ohio, but pretty much any R candidate would.

JD Vance despite winning is still a terrible candidate.

Well, winning large states like Ohio is a start. They’re not winning FL or TX, glgl if they also can’t even compete in the Midwest.

Right, but he still won. Trump is/was a terrible candidate but the Dems still found a way to lose because their candidates are even worse. It’s what they do, they go up against the host of NBC’s The Apprentice and somehow they pull out an L.

Tucker would never take on Trump.

Only way Tucker gets involved is if Trump falls ill. If that happens, he’d be a massive favorite for the nomination.

Tucker winning the presidency is nightmare fuel.

Imagine being a world leader and having an important discussion while having to look at this face:

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I’m really confused by your line here. Yes, Trump won, yes Carlson could win. Your position is that Carlson would crush Biden. Is your position also that Trump will crush Biden?

If not, why is Carlson a better candidate that Trump. The ability to win Ohio seem irrelevant to the question of whether Carlson would crush Ohio. JD Vance would win a presidential vote in Ohio but be a bid dog to win the election.

He’s smarter and hungrier, he can make himself palatable to suburban voters. I don’t think Tucker makes the really dumb mistakes that Trump makes.

I agree JD isn’t going to be a national candidate, but he’s not even in the same ballpark in terms of name recognition. I forget why we’re even talking about him.

I compared Tucker to a slighter more polished and renowned version of JD.

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Did everyone else know Tucker’s studio is in some compound in rural Maine? That’s creepy thinking about what must go on up there.