Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Aaron Rodgers was just biding his time for the move to NYC so he could take over Tucker’s primetime spot as well.



Seriously. If you ever checked in once in a while they were often talking GRT (usually without using that name) like it’s normal. It’s normal for them now.

It’s impossible to imagine how far off the deep end Fox has gone without watching. They’re full nazi all day.

JD Vance successfully ran a campaign that used Great Replacement rhetoric and he’s not even in the MTG/Bobert wing of complete wingnuts.

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Even Cinderella didn’t cry

I had to turn on Tucker today and it was this guy talking cattle genital mutilations, seriously


EDIT: Hannity has an in-studio audience?




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Tucker running for POTUS would be the best thing for the world as it would guarantee a Democratic win.

I think Tucker would perform better than DeSantis as the nominee.

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Tucker would wafflecrush Biden and I don’t think it’s close.




Very unpredictable IMO. On the one hand, yes, nothing with motivate the Republican base to turn out in large numbers more than complete, unadulterated Nazism. But it’s also true that this will drive voter turnout in opposition. Because we’re all chronically online about this stuff, it’s hard to remember just how many Americans are basically tuned out to politics between Presidential elections and then pay attention just in time to vote. People that haven’t been paying any attention to politics or Fox News are going to be surprised by an actual Presidential candidate that is ranting and raving about Asiatic Hordes and wanting to put trans people in concentration camps.

That doesn’t contradict what Don said actually. Don said that he found out he was fired from his agent and that management didn’t have the balls to fire him directly. If he found out from his agent then he found out from his agent, even if some management guy was willing to meet with him afterwards. And he was in the fucken building yesterday. He was on air!

You are both WAY too confident about these statements.


The idea that Tucker left the show show to run for office is baffling to me. The suggestion that at least he or Fox news has the journalistic integrety to bow out of a conflict of interest? Walk me through how you come to this conclusion.

Replace Asian hordes with Mexicans and trans people with Muslims and you have trump’s 2016 campaign. People may be surprised by the message, but I’m not sure it will be because they hate it or because they love it.

No one thinks Tucker left the show to run for office. Some people think he may run for office because he lost his job at Fox.

Unlike Dobbs, for example, Carlson wasn’t among the most prominent hosts pushing widespread-voter-fraud claims after the 2020 election. On the contrary, Carlson very publicly cast doubt on the voting-machine claims. But that last part actually wound up being an issue for Fox. In allowing a case brought by another voting technology company, Smartmatic, to move forward last year, the judge cited Carlson’s public skepticism of the claims to suggest that others at Fox might have known better or should have known better. The judge said it was actually the most important factor.

Morally and journalistically speaking, it was completely justified and correct for Carlson to point out that Trump-aligned lawyer Sidney Powell didn’t actually have the goods to back up her claims. But it was also discordant next to the rest of Fox’s coverage. Indeed, documents released in the Dominion case showed Fox bosses repeatedly trying to check presenters who cast doubt on the voter-fraud claims, which they viewed as harming the company’s business model. But Carlson stepped outside of that, casting a spotlight on how poorly others covered the issue.

So Tucker was fired because he WASN’T on board with the election fraud narrative???
