Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

figures. i can’t keep up with threads at more than 20 posts/day

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My guess is that Tucker was caught shoplifting.


Was it obvious to everyone else that this is where the Tucker discussion was?

I thought this was the complaining about bad headlines thread.

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no i originally checked the GOP thread

We wanted it to be a surprise.


I knew it was this thread because it had lots of new replies but yes I agree this is the wrong thread for the Tucker discussion.

I suggest that any further discussion on the Tucker matter be conducted entirely in limerick form.


Yeah. Pretty much anyway you slice it, this was a pretty good media outlet choice imo.

fixed it for you :+1:

Wait, is this thread for discussion about making poor choices of media outlets for consumption or poor choices made by media outlets or general choices made by poor media outlets. Or something else?

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Made one small change to ChatGPT’s version

There once was a man named Tucker,
Whose news was like a wild trucker,
But one day he quit,
Left his job in a fit,
Now his show’s just a lame, sad fucker


There once was a host named Tucker
Who made rioters out of white truckers
He brayed like an ass
But insulted Fox brass
Said Rupert, “You’re fired, motherfucker!”


NYC goat

There is no way that is from today, right?

Probably from election, sadly

It’s really a surprise he stayed there so long.

Perhaps Tucker just wants to spend more time with his family and turn them into goddamned fascists.

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What’s more, Rogan and Shapiro already had the podcast demo on lock. The olds that watch Tucker aren’t going to follow him to SoundCloud.

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This is the guy who got Megyn Kelly the 30 million dollars remaining in her contract from NBC when they fired her.