Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices




What people need to understand is that right wing grievance is pro wrestling. Tucker may be essential and a champion now, but so was Glenn Beck and so was Billo. It’s a demand driven industry. They will crown a new champion and the rubes will cheer him, because he is them. They may not succeed first try, but they get as many attempts as they want.


Because when you know you’re leaving you keep it a secret from your staff right? lol

None of the people involved in this know how to keep their mouth shut. We’ll know the real story by Friday.


Even if he never works again, Tucker is fine financially. He comes from a ton of family money (related to the Swanson foods brand). As much as he plays man of the people now, let’s not forget that he is also a trust fund kid who married the daughter of the headmaster of his elite boarding school. Tucker might be upset about losing a platform, but he doesn’t need the salary.

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I don’t know anything about Carson’s finances but most people who make tens of millions of dollars a year are going to want to keep doing so if they can. No one who has made tens of millions of dollars for any amount of time “needs” more money but they all want more money. If Carlson’s only path to making that sort money was through Fox he wouldn’t be so quick to walk. Like did he get 100 million bucks from his stepmom? Generous step mom, maybe there’s more money in fish sticks than I thought.


That’s why I’ve always wondered about what motivates him. He has to make millions as the prime time host of the most watched cable news show, but he came from money and already has plenty. If he cared about changing the world, he’d have run for office.

I can only conclude he craves the attention and the adulation of his viewers. I just hope wherever he lands, he’s less a danger to society and civil discourse as he was at Fox.


Before Tucker went all in on Blood & Soil, he was a perpetual media failure, and my armchair read is that the reason he doesn’t just fuck off and swim all day in his money is that he has a big chip on his shoulder from having failed as a bowtie wearing William F Buckley mini-me for like 30 years, so he resents/enjoys owning elitist liberal media types with a very popular show.


I think there’s a pretty good argument to be made that the type of media platform Tucker had is more politically impactful than most political jobs. A nightly broadcast shapes the narrative in ways that a typical Congressperson or Senator could only dream of. Getting to play kingmaker without even having to go through the motions of appearing like you are responsive to constituents, or having to raise money for campaigns seems like a pretty cool gig. (Obviously, the presidency is uniquely powerful, which is why people speculate about that position, but don’t talk about him running for a lower office or taking up some sort of cabinet position).


And doing some googling, Carlson’s stepmom and father are both still alive! Patricia Swanson, Tucker’s stepmom, is one of three heirs to the Vast Swanson Empire, which was sold to Campbells in 1955.

Something tells me that 45 million bucks a year is pretty significant to Carlson’s net worth.

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imo beck was never irreplaceable. he paved th way for tucker for sure, but tucker went HAM in a primetime slot like few have done before.

fwiw, i was aware of bill o’ back in mid 2000s, at one point i started watched him to understand which way conservatives are moving. it totally ruined my mental health, and i started warning some friends about the full fasc. but his project was more of a deceptive long-game, slowly building an aging subservient audience, than that of tucker, who just wants authoritarian power in the most immediate and direct way.

i am not disagreeing with you, tukker is definitely replaceable. i think we knew pretty quickly fox was going to be fine without beck and orielly. kinda the same here. fox’s future now rests with the other defamation settlement.

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson :joy:

Carlson’s Trinity yearbook describes him as a member of the “Dan White Society”, an apparent reference to the American political assassin who murdered San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk.[66][67][68]

What a nice young man


Sure, money is nice, but I don’t think that is his primary motivation. Like, if you told him there were two possible careers

(A) make more money but he’d be less famous and not have a platform to spread his political views

(B) less money but more fame and influence

I think he would take B in most cases. My argument is that the independent right wing gift is lucrative, but I’m not sure if he’ll be able to set the narrative as much without the Fox platform. [ I could of course be completely wrong and having the most successful FB/YouTube/Rumble presence might actually be more relevant in the current media landscape]

Does he get to take the January 6 Totally Peaceful Protest© footage with him? I wonder if he remembered to grab it on Friday?

Who has more influence, Ben Shapiro or Sean Hannity? Joe Rogan or Laura Ingraham? It’s the podcasters by a mile.

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I’m so confused how he got Swanson as a middle name - since that’s his step-mom?

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CNN has been struggling. Their new boss has been trying to do the “both sides” thing, but it really hasn’t been working. They’re trying new set designs and having many of their anchors standing rather than sitting as if anyone gives a fuck. It would not surprise me for CNN to talk to Tucker about joining up with them. It would be an instant huge boost for ratings, and a serious blow to FOX.

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Not with the olds.


I don’t care if he isn’t on TV anymore. I spend a lot of time in Maine during the summer - if I ever see Tucker Carlson in person, I’m spilling a bowl of chowder on him.