Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

What will the MAGA reaction be? Meh, he hated Trump or AR-15s shooting up TVs?

CNN just now reporting on Lemon

“Don will always be part of the CNN family” even though we are firing him

John King: “I work here, I love this place [please don’t fire ne]”

LMAO I thought this was fake.

No matter what they said, the $800 million hurt - they were only going to get to write off a quarter of it. Plus you’ve got the Smartmatic case still going on, which could easily be more (I think Smartmatic was a bigger company).

Very possible Fox wanted Tucker to tone it down a bit and he refused - after all it’s not his money that’s being paid in the settlement(s). Fox could have also seen this as an opportunity for a clean break with Tucker - might even allow them to get out of his contract without paying the rest out. Yes, he’s tops in the ratings, but he’s not that much above Waters - who is likely a ton cheaper. So this might have been a nice opportunity for Fox to bring in someone cheaper and more easily controlled. Also, could be good in general if it allows Murdoch to show the hosts whose in charge - if Tucker can be canned, makes it easier to control the other hosts (both in terms of content and pay).

Weird if management actually got hurt about something Tucker said.

I always just assumed these scumbags all hated each other and knew they all hated each other and it was never about anything but money.

Good time to bury it?


Well they’d have to go through the motions until they’re ready for it to go public right?

Sometimes they semi have their ducks in a row and the promos for the shows are missing when they should come up and that causes speculation. I imagine it’s not so much like a perfect execution as it is there’s a lot of programming things that have to happen when a change happens and the ship can’t turn on a dime so they give their programming teams a semi heads up so that they’ll be prepared. This sounds like no one had a clue about anything until they announced it.





Something like this makes sense.

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And Tucker probably dgaf about walking away from his hundred million dollar contract because he sees how much Megyn Kelly, Shapiro, and Rogan all make and can make comparable money on his own, with total freedom.

i think bongino still does a big chuck on fb, and his tv slot kinda flopped.

When was he ever on msnbc? I do not remember that at all. I remember the Crossfire fiasco with him and Jon Stewart and that Dem muppet whom I think worked for Clinton?

He had a low rated show on MSNBC in like 2005.

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