Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I wonder if Carlson rage quit as mostly a bluff, and Fox immediately accepted. That would be HILARIOUS.


Like Suzzer said, it depends a lot on what age group you’re looking at… My Dad and Step Mom have never listened to a podcast in their life, but if you ask them about Ukraine, or immigration policy, or January 6th, you’ll get pure Tucker

Eta: Also, you usually have to make a conscious choice to listen to a podcast. As others have mentioned, Fox is the default channel in a lot of diners, waiting rooms, and military bases in a way that Rogan is not.


Apparently his father changed his name, and his brother’s name


So it sounds like after the Dominion suit the execs thought there was enough in the Grossman suite to cut bait. I had forgotten about this.

Tucker Carlson is facing a lawsuit from his former head of booking, Abby Grossberg, who says she was subjected to a hostile and discriminatory work environment.

Ms. Grossberg, who was fired by Fox News shortly after she filed two lawsuits against the company in March, joined Mr. Carlson’s team in 2022 after several years as a senior producer for Maria Bartiromo, another Fox host.

Ms. Grossberg said in the lawsuit naming Mr. Carlson that male producers regularly used vulgarities to describe women and frequently made antisemitic jokes.

On her first day working for Mr. Carlson, Ms. Grossberg said she discovered the office was decorated with large doctored pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a plunging swimsuit. She said she was once called into the top producer’s office to be asked whether Ms. Bartiromo was having a sexual relationship with the House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy.

Continue reading the main story

Ms. Grossberg also said in her lawsuit that after she was coerced by Fox’s lawyers into providing a misleading deposition in a recent defamation case brought by Dominion Voting Systems and defending an offensive text from Mr. Carlson, his producers emailed the rest of the staff in recognition of “Abby Day” and suggested ordering a staff lunch to celebrate.


There would need to be a lot more than this to fire Tucker. There are communications or other information about fox execs, etc.

Remember a year or two ago Tucker’s head writer was canned for being a full on racist message board regular. They could have easily protected Tucker from the lawsuit blowback unless there is something quite bad that hasn’t been disclosed in the complaint.

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OK but you’re making a lot of assumptions about Carlson and his motives going on very little. My point was pretty straightforward: Carlson can probably make comparable money on his own compared to what he’s making at Fox. Everyone values their salary and you’d have to make some significant mental contortions to think that Carlson doesn’t as well. All I said is that Carlson would probably act differently if he couldn’t make comparable money walking away from his Fox contract. What’s there to even argue with there?



I am not sure if this is real or repurposed from another context. From what I can tell I think it is real, though Burke has run (obvious) parodies before.



I disagree that Carlson can make comparable money on his own. It’s much harder to keep and maintain an audience without the backing of Fox. Yes Rogan and Shapiro do well, but most others fail. BillO, Beck, and Megyn all took big hits both to their influence and their paychecks after leaving Fox. I also don’t think Shapiro does nearly as well as Tucker was doing at Fox. Shapiro stated that his organization made $100 million in revenue, but that was to support 150 employees plus all other expenses.

Not that Tucker will be irrelevant but - I just don’t see most of Tucker’s viewers staying with him after he leaves - more likely they just keep watching Fox.


Thought the second pic was Eli Manning for a sec.

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Next up, TUCKER brand jeans and a $25/mo subscription website.

i actually stopped to think how much he looks like young steve jobs and richard spencer

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Fox should give to 8pm slot to Solovyov.

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Well that’s fine but not really to bigoldnit’s point. Maybe Tucker can largely replace his income, maybe he can’t. I don’t know. Tucker probably does though, and he’ll have known that if he chose to walk, if that’s what he ended up doing. BGN was saying Tucker isn’t motivated by money. I dunno man. We all are.

Although…Megyn signed a big deal with Sirius a couple of years ago. And she left Fox for NBC, who hilariously had to eat her huge contract after Megyn said something about blackface. At least that was the excuse, she wasn’t working out because her Fox audience didn’t cross over with her to NBC as much as they hoped. So even though leaving Fox didn’t work out for her, she’s still making millions a year doing a podcast/satellite radio show.

Glenn isn’t doing too bad either

Glenn’s show is also on terrestrial radio.

Not as big as Ben but like you say they’ve got a smaller footprint

Tucker won’t keep his whole audience but he doesn’t need to. A podcast listen is more valuable than a fox news viewer, and he gets to keep way more of it.

And that’ll be the real interesting thing. Did Tucker quit? Or was he fired and then does Fox have to pay him his contract?

I guess I just feel like he kinda already has FU money, so when he is deciding how far to push things, I think the question wouldn’t necessarily be purely about whether he can get the same salary. He probably thought he had lots of leverage for many reasons. The ability to make good money somewhere else was probably one of those reasons, so on that point I agree with you and probably shouldn’t have pushed back as hard as I did


Megyn left/was fired from NBC for the blackface comment, she left Fox in 2017 for NBC because her contract was up and Fox viewers hated that blood was coming out of her wherever.

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