Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Pretending that if she looked like Ivanka that ‘nickname’ would be so widespread is daft.


I mean, roll tape, I’m far meaner to Ivanka, including making fun of her appearance. Nothing if not consistent.

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What about Fat Sarah?

Going to put that a distance second to the destruction and damage she has been Party to.

What is your point?

If I may be so bold as to speak for JT:
Just call her human garbage, leave her looks out of it because they’re irrelevant.


We live in a society where a woman’s looks are considered to be 1) off limits unless you’re a barbarian and 2) very important. That creature doesn’t play nice, so I say use that shit. If she had a disabled kid I’d be fine with relentlessly cyber bullying it. Sorry not sorry. That’s how much I hate Sarah Huckabee. Literally anything that could cause her emotional pain is totally fine by me.

Put another way “do unto others as they would do unto you”. Democrats need to stop being such whiny do gooders and be fine with intentionally hurting some people. The last Democrat who could get things done was LBJ and his idea of funny was driving an amphibious car into bodies of water with passengers who literally thought they were about to die. He also was guarded part time by my uncle (who was in his mid-late 20’s in the FBI at the time) who said he was one of the meanest spirited pieces of shit he ever met.

Yeah the Democrats need to get some their mean spiritedness back IMO. Then we’ll start actually winning again. The GOP absorbed all of that and more when they integrated the Dixiecrats. Never forget LBJ’s ‘in your heart you know he might’ ad. That thing absolutely ruined the other guy.

EDIT: A fun LBJ quote directly after asking what some politicians vice was… “My vice is money, because with enough money I can get all the whiskey and women I want”.

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What the fuck am I reading.


I think that’s the worst motto I’ve ever read.

Well then you’d be an asshole.


Glad you are following Yangs humanity first example.

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She… helped… lock… children… in… cages…

A bunch of them are dead. People ITT are whinging about calling her fat. I’d go waaaay further than that.

You’re stretching really far defining Huckabeast as ‘humanity’. If absolutely anyone is subhuman it’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

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We definitely need to rediscover our inner asshole wrt some of these people. Like at some point they’re nazi’s and fuck 'em. Being saintly sure as hell isn’t leading to us winning. They are beating us because they are willing to go further than we are.

I feel like a lot of you want there to be a war with no nastiness. I’m not talking about violence like NBZ… but nastiness? Jesus. There comes a point where you’re straight up obligated to be as dickish as you can get to someone. Huckabee is miles and miles past it.

Some of you actually seem to have internalized turning the other cheek and ‘if you hate someone you become them’. No. I’m not for locking children in cages. And I’m not for attacking first… but that morbidly obese sack of scum lied to the American people every day for months and then gaslighted all of us yesterday or w/e by saying the thing that hurts her the most is when people call her a liar. She literally lies for a living Thank You for Smoking style. She’s awful and whatever negative social ramifications that land on her and her family are richly deserved.


When you’re insulting her by calling her fat, or ugly, or anything like that, you’re saying that those qualities make someone a bad person. You end up insulting everyone that has those qualities. That’s not cool.

Call her a miserable liar, complicit in baby-killing, unfit to even be seen in public again let alone hold public office…there’s tons of ways to express what an awful excuse for a human being she is without calling her fat.


Where we agree is that these people have to feel uncomfortable.

Their actual voters - the ones that keep them in power - live in places they wouldn’t be caught dead in. Shaming idiots is a sure fire losing strategy, but making horrible people uncomfortable may be effective (we’ve never tried it).

No administration official should be able to go out in public in NYC or DC or SF without being mercilessly mocked and shamed. We are too damn polite.

Or call her fucking Huckabeast because she was the face of a beastly administration doing beastly things to all manner of people who she gives zero fucks about. Pick a better hill to dye on than picking on Sara Fucking Huckabeast.


So let’s start cyber bullying disabled kids??? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Perhaps we are referring to her soul, did you think of that Sir Arthur?

These people abdicated their families being off limits when they put other people’s kids in cages. People, even monsters care about their kids. I’m not giving up on using any levers we can use to hurt them.

How many gop politicians have retired now citing their kids respect? Maybe Sarah has thick skin and absolutely no shame, but I bet her kids being traumatized would get to her.