Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Another Apple News gripe: all these snotty “What You Missed Today/Yesterday/This Weekend” headlines. Mf’er how do YOU know I missed it? You don’t know me. How dare you


But it’s what you need to know!


Let’s play real or onion with this potential WaPo headline:

“Critic’s Notebook: Their testimony was pointed. Their clothes were reassuringly dull.”

Fashion dies in darkness


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Very responsible reporting by Fox News. Much like Trump’s own Russian troll retweets.

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Kellyanne on Face the Nation today. The media continues not to get it.


I don’t know why anyone would have ever asked her on any show after the whole “alternative facts” debacle. She told them straight up that the administration was going to lie to them for their whole term.


It really just comes down to laziness. It’s the same reason they keep interviewing the same GOP party chair operative people as “swing voters” in the diner safari pieces.

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NYT did a puff piece on Huckabeast, because of course (it’s easy). This is peak gaslighting:

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I was going to suggest a plugin that changed her name to Lying McLiarface, but then I realized that in this administration that could be pretty confusing.

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I’m also not a huge fan of calling her “Huckabeast” but I’m not going to, like, nuke the forum over it or anything.


Hopefully it wasn’t a close call, but as long as you only thought about doing what the shitty mgt at 22 did and didn’t actually do it, that’s alright…

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Uhh, what?

It’s a bit of light fun & Sarcasim…

As SHS was a beast at her job in the sence of being very good at it and taking up all the air… So you should not feel bad for her or anyone else being called a beast in that way.

Theres plenty of other beasts of Sports etc who don’t try to use it against others with no power.

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Eh. I’m totally fine with it and usually I’m not fine with stuff like that. Super powerful/evil people get what they get IMO. Anyone who gets butthurt about calling a fat woman a beast can also recognize that the Huckabeast is in a class of her own for being a complete and total piece of shit who they don’t want to be associated with in any way. I don’t care what anyone calls people who are both powerful and awful. Zero fucks given over here.

In fact the fact that a woman can be so absolutely awful in every way (including competence) demonstrates that women are becoming more equal. Now they get to be villains too!

The only reason anybody has qualms about referring to SHS as “Huckabeast” is because she doesn’t look like a traditionally attractive female and people want to be nice to her about it as a sign that they don’t consider physical beauty an important part of being a good person. If she looked like Ivanka nobody would bat an eye at a pun based nickname.

EDIT: To clarify, obviously if she looked like Ivanka the Huckabeast nickname wouldn’t be as prevalent and instead we’d be wading through posts detailing what else they’d like her to lie about, etc.