Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This isn’t about hurting them it’s about hurting their kids, who are thus far innocent in all of this.


Collateral damage. If Obama can drone kids and still have our respect… this for sure isn’t where the line should be.

Clearly the majority of pushback you got was from saying you would cyber bully a hypothetical disabled child.

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It’s not collateral damage when you specifically target them.

If everyone everywhere on our side makes an effort to be spectacularly uncivil to these people and everyone related to them every time they get the opportunity she’ll definitely notice.

They literally shouldn’t be able to go out in public in cities anywhere without being subjected to absolutely anything short of violence.

I fully support anyone and everyone who wants to scream in her face about what a piece of trash lying liar she is every time she sets foot outside in public.

What you called for before was asshole behavior and should not be supported or tolerated by anyone with good morals.

Well, I sure feel our country is stronger now that that is settled…




Michael Martin of Erie, PA knows which party has his back in his quest to become the next billionaire. It’s the party of small business and entrepreneurship that’s who. They couldn’t call themselves that if it wasn’t true.

This is great.


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The question of what vital American interest is at stake in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is a good one, and asking why Americans should care about the outcome of such a conflict is also good. I don’t think that there is an obvious answer to either question. And I don’t think that Americans, by and large, actually do care about the outcome between Ukraine and Russia. If you were to list that issue on the voters’ issue priority list it would probably be dead last.

Having said that, admitting that you’re rooting for Russia in the conflict is either a rhetorical mistake if it’s a sincerely held belief or a very good troll if Carlson’s just trying to be provocative. I guess it could be a good but inadvisable troll if he gets fired because publicly rooting for Russia is a bridge too far for Fox.

Ernest Champell realized there was something unusual about One America News Network during his first day on the job as a writer, when the young staffer assigned to show him the ropes announced matter-of-factly, “Yeah, we like Russia here.”

Founded and helmed by 77-year-old circuit-board millionaire Robert Herring Sr., OANN launched in 2013 as an answer to the chatty, opinionated content of mainstream cable news channels—and a place for viewers too conservative for Fox News. Under Herring’s direction the network embraced Trumpism enthusiastically starting in 2016, and in recent months the once-obscure cable news channel has been basking in a surge of attention from Donald Trump.


Yeah, in a better world with a more civil Internet he would have lost 75% of his income and 90% of his friends.


Mother of God, Glenn Kessler is a dipshit.


And yes, Glenn definitely activates ikes mode and says suicides don’t count. It’s an astoundingly stupid column and I feel compelled to inflict it on you all.

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