Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



Memphis isnt sexy to the power that be. Its not coastal, its not tech heavy so that we can blame Gen z for everything, and most importantly, its much more black than SF.

They know what they are doing and why

Democracy dies without an opinion section


Hey these seem like serious people who should be writing opinion pieces.

In November 2022, he argued in the Washington Post that Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, “would represent a return to normality” if elected U.S. president in 2024.[2]

Can’t wait to find out what Real Conservatives think about the issues of the day.

It’s the diversity of opinion that I can’t get enough of. Every flavour of uptight, friendless, faux intellectual, conservative dipshit you can think of.

one, vanilla


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Unlike single moms making minimum wage or people working multiple jobs or workers who couldn‘t afford take time off in forever etc.

mo money mo problems

Megan McArdle is so lucky Meghan McCain is around to claim the most clueless centrist dipshit Megan title.

If McCain is “centrist”, the Overton window has really fucking shifted.

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oh god, you’re right! Im getting sucked in. jfc…I need to read a book or something.

Is Meghan McCain a Republican? There’s no such thing as a good Republican.


Dr Henry Kissinger says “hi”



I’m down with reform but if this somehow rid IL of ALL the bad apples there won’t be any police left in the state.


Totally different situation. Those are men.

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ah, yes, just assuming her remarks were in fact antisemitic

GJGE Wash Post