Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


NBC news quoting it’s own poll without noting the irony that MSM reporting is a significant factor in The results.



Glenn Kessler fact-checked that, and determined it warranted Zero Pinocchios. Novak is, indeed, a Pennsylvania voter.


The NYT got caught multiple times doing this, zero consequences.

That’s right. Wasn’t there a whole coffee table of Michigan women that turned out were the local GOP brass-maybe 2016 or 18?

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Every single diner safari was and is a meeting with GOP officials. Every one.


I guess I’ll put this here


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The idea that all Substack Journos seem to share which is that morality and “Right and Wrong” should have no factor in any decisions is the strongest argument yet that High School and College Debate should be nuked from orbit.

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One of my firmest beliefs is that, aside from school teachers, bartenders and waitstaff, librarians are the last truly noble people left. Nevertheless, my mother always used to tell me “If you can’t say something nice, stick it up your ass.” So, with great effort, I’ll say something nice:
Yglesias writes well for a goddamned lobotomy victim.


This observation calls to mind a trite observation that some talentless talent from the early 2000s (notably Paris Hilton) were “famous for being famous”. The idea being that these people were elevated to shallow tabloid fame without having any notable talent or achievements or anything useful to say. They were just famous.

There’s a kind of similarity to these commentariat members that are really doing nothing but arguing for the sake of arguing and really reducing serious public policy discussions into rhetorical ping pong matches in an attempt to establish some kind of Ivy League dominance over their rivals.


Also his contention is kinda dumb on its face.

The entire reason the GOP is enflaming library books and bathrooms and women’s high school sports and Chinese companies buying American farmland is precisely because “more cross-pressured and sporadic voters” care about these issues than about Social Security and healthcare. It’s basically the whole explanation for the GOP’s shift away from giving a shit about any actual policy issues in the last 10 years.

Policy issues are broccoli; voters want red meat.

I don’t know that I really agree with this.

I think your average low-turnout GOP Primary voter cares way more about trans people in sports and Critical Race Theory than your average “Presidential Election Only” Voter.

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Is Iglesias an always-sunglasses guy now? Few things are more cringe to me than people who try to make sunglasses part of their personality. Hold on let me get my shades so I can do my patented eyebrow raise and slowly lower them. Sure I can do it again and again, let’s make sure we get the shot.

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this has to be the pitchbot wtf

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honestly this seems more like an “lol ivy league” thing than a “lol nytimes” thing

You’ve got to appreciate this nice burn:

While he is virtually unknown even in academic circles in the United States


overlapping circles


Lol economist you mean.