Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I think US and New Zealand are only two countries who allow pharma ads.


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Is there a NEEDLE for its chances of survival?


Is marijuana addictive? Are antibiotics?




Tell us what you really mean. Yikes but not a big stretch.

Get thou out, baldy

How long until Fox or Daily Wire buys 538 and Nate’s on there complaining about the mainstream media bias in polling and saying he got cancelled for speaking the truth?

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in this timeline it would be for a hilarious turn if 538 fetched like 25% of thr cost of steven crowder

God this guy sucks. His posts are everywhere for some reason even though I have literally never seen him have anything interesting to say. Just the most warmed-over centrist takes imaginable. He’s like if you took a boring, slightly below average intelligence person and asked them to do a Matt Yglesias impression.




About tree fiddy (days? Hours is too soon)

Those cubist paintings are the kind of thing I would have been legit impressed by a few years ago, but now I’d just assume they were something some AI spit out. Or easily could.

Is dihydrogen monoxide???

Imagine how much more good Garrison could have done if he’d never wasted so much time being a Cuban

Kevin Spacey is a cubist painter?

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It has since been changed to “China and the Population Bomb That Wasn’t” but their first try was:


Are we in the new 1970s, and if so, what does that mean?

We mustn’t place the underprivileged with jobs in the centrist blogger sector of the economy etc etc


The Physicians Committee claims that CBS’s 60 Minutes received advertising payments from Novo Nordisk prior to the coverage and that the aired segment only included experts who had also been paid by Novo Nordisk. The segment lauded the drug with words and phrases such as “highly effective,” “safe,” “impressive,” “fabulous,” and “robust,” but didn’t delve into side effects or alternative treatments and strategies for weight loss.

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Just need to add “at Harvard” and you’re out of the woods.