Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


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Is she the one with the story about Hunters laptop being unmodified?

Lol truly disgraceful


That’s it right there, a MAGA victory. Hunter’s BS laptop hearings receiving coverage like the J6 hearings. Put the thought in Joe Public’s head that all congressional hearings are political showboating and meaningless. It’s going to be torture watching the media cover this House.

Is this laptop the source of the videos where Hunter Biden is smoking crack and banging hookers?

Anybody who doesn’t already know about this “scandal” is probably more like to think he’s fucking awesome than to hold it against him.

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Nobody gives a shit and this will not move the needle politically at all. Even so, the major networks treating this as a legitimate inquiry are embarrassing themselves.

I wish this were true for me, but my MAGA stepmom brings up Hunter all the time. My response to her has been lol where were you when Ivanka was getting her China patent, now stfu, but she just brings it up again later. I think I’ll start asking why she cares so much about Hunter and pressing for articulable facts that point to wrongdoing that leads to Biden. She also complains about trans people almost every time I see her and that issue is one I’ll resort to violence over, so I get really pissed and call her stupid and selfish. Her sources are Tucker, Dana P., Gutfeld, et al. Not sure I can engage without demeaning her though.

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Right but she’s voting MAGA no matter what. This shit doesn’t matter to anyone not in the cult.

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Definitely worth reporting.

I already had an argument with a MAGA dipshit at the poker table who set the goalposts at “the laptop is real.” Not the evidence mind you, not there have been no edited files. Just, literally, the physical laptop is a real physical laptop, GOTCHA LIBTARD!

Well. That’s not very professional language, but accurate I suppose.



Grown ass adults treating White House reporting like it’s middle school drama. Like OMG did you hear Katie wasn’t invited to the wedding?

they draggin her in the comments

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Tweet quote-tweeted by so many (formerly blue) check marks.




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“That’s what the press is supposed to do” by Maggie Haberman





Just so I’m clear…Hunter Biden made millions on shady business deals but couldn’t afford $95 to pay for his laptop repair?

Maggie forgot to switch to her burner account
