Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Lol could not be any less surprised what a pathetic waste of flesh that woman is.

Whole article is infuriating.


Not giving LA Magazine my click, does the article sympathize with the poor rich white woman who ran over the kids while drunk and racing?

Guillotine whoever wrote that article


I cannot believe that story is real. Even in a world where I’ve accepted that Herschel Walker is a viable Senate candidate, I cannot believe that story is real.

And then there is the crushing guilt; she says her part in the accidental death of two children—and she does insist it was accidental—has weighed so heavily on her that she “couldn’t function in any way.” A year after the crash, Grossman’s mother died from complications linked to Alzheimer’s and that triggered Grossman’s fears that the trauma of the accident had caused her own dementia.

“The thought of taking the easy way out crossed my mind,” she admits, breaking down in tears as she confesses to having suicidal thoughts. “It still does from time to time.”
“She cries every day,” her husband says. “She is in an emotional prison that she may never be able to get out of.”

Of course, the Iskanders have endured much worse over the last two years.

I mean she doesn’t come across as a remorseless souless person, but this article should not be written like this at all. The family whose kids have died are relegated to the bottom section of the article and mostly their tribulations are tied to the high priced fancy lawyers the woman has hired gumming up the justice system for her, which perversely comes across as a humble brag in the article.

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Yes, stealing the company’s money “wasn’t enough” to save the company.


She’s a loser, CNN.

It’s amazing that deplorables actually think CNN is some sort of ultra-commie leftist propaganda network

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I’m not really seeing anything shocking or objectionable in this piece. He’s just saying Palin was successful in mainstreaming a kind of toxic extremism that’s now increasingly common.

More importantly though, the author, some nerdy Princeton professor, looks like he’s about 30 and claims to have written 24 books. Calm down dude, you’re making the rest of us look bad.

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I think the new CNN boss is a “both sides” kind of guy. So expect more of this stuff in the future.




Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 5.45.06 PM


Bob Dylan apologizes for using autopen device to ‘hand-sign’ new book


What? Who doesn’t want a cordless stick vacuum?

This is so pathetic
