Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



what do you mean ‘how’? is that beyond the obvious three red-flags in that headline?

Opinion: How a missed period reported by the gym teacher could spell trouble for girls




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On the “liberal”
Channel WAAF

I have never slept a wink on a plane. Thought I’d probably sleep on the direct LA-Rome flight, but no.

Oh my god you must have been a complete zombie. I slept like 4 hours on my flight to Italy and was borderline homicidal when we landed.

These people are full-on psychopaths.


Where do you think identifying as cats and needing litter boxes comes from.


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Never have slept on a flight, and don’t think I ever would/could (though I’m sure there is a drug for that). That said 5 hours is my lifetime longest, but honestly that is a huge part of why I’ve never gone far. The thought of like a 12 hour flight counting down the minutes scrunched in there is troubling.


Didn’t sleep on the way home, either. That was Geneva to London, three hours at Heathrow, and then London to LA.

As a former drug addict, I’ve had plenty of experience with long periods of no sleep. As for grinding away the hours on the plane, I had a bunch of movies and TV shows on my iPad which helped. I’ve found it’s actually easier to travel with my kids than on my own, because I can pay attention to them instead of how I’m feeling. Recovering from the trip and jetlag was MUCH harder once back home, no doubt because being in Italy was exciting.


I just can’t sleep in an upright position. I’ve only ever slept once on a plane, and that was a red eye back from Vegas where I had a business class upgrade, no seat mate, and some pharmaceutical assistance.

I’ve done two overnights to Europe in the past 10 years where I got zero sleep. The first one, I was almost out when the idiot in front of me decided to recline his seat into the space where my knees resided. My scream of pain might have woken up the entire plane. The second one, I was never close despite taking sleeping pills. Both times I had to somehow stay awake enough to make an early afternoon connection. NOT fun times.

Yeah, it’s hard for sure. I have dozed off on shorter flights but trying to get an actual “night’s sleep” on a long flight seems impossible. I’d rather just over caffeinate and power through the next day, then crash hard in an actual bed.

Are there any actually decent pillows for over night flights? We grabbed some basic “U shaped” ones the last time we hopped on a long flight and they were better than nothing but not good enough to sleep comfortably.

LMAO the death threat to Susan Collins? Wasn’t that the sidewalk chalk “incident” where it said something like “Vote Blue No Matter Who” or something stupid like that?

Dripping with derision: “If you honestly can’t make it in college, just drop out.”

To the party of white men with no college education. And none will notice that she’s trashing them.

Also, Fetterman needs to cut this up with the Oz dog killing thing. The GOP wants to kill your puppies so you won’t turn into snowflakes!

Yep, found it.


Not even six months later this is being peddled as anti-liberal propaganda on MSNBC. We are so fucking fucked, the corporations own our asses.


habs turned off replies for this one, just off the charts hackery
