Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Isn’t that the sort of shit their Sunday magazine is for?

oh, i missed that bit. Yeah, I guess.

Doesn’t do anything to dispel the idea that they’re a bunch of out of touch elitists

Fair, but if we are going to have the argument, I stand by it. I think some degree of being out of sync with society is inevitable when traveling across many time zones, and I think it is good to make the most of it rather than choosing to be miserable through the experience. Obviously this is a privilege not everyone gets to experience, and there are more pressing issues.

You’re seriously coming off at least 3 hours to the airport and preflight, an 8 hour flight, plus customs, plus transportation to your accommodations with a desire to do anything but sleep? How?

One, I slept on the flight, and two, I slept shortly after I got there, as I said in my post. But then I was still out of sync with French society.

Going to the destination, I always have adrenaline upon landing. I’m on vacation, I get to see and do lots of cool new shit. I’m ready to go for a few hours upon hitting the ground. And then deathly tired a few hours later.


Yea, the first day of vacation is fine, and I’ve never had an issue regardless of how far I’ve traveled. Adrenalin helps.

Coming home, on the other hand… fuck me, I’ll sleep for a fucking week


that’s the opposite of how jet lag works for me. flying east i can stay up much later. what you described is travel from west coast to india.

Well, I guess if you fly in one of those ultra first class things where you more or less have your own bed, then it might be possible.

Then again to be able to afford to do that, you’ve got to be prettay rich, so definitely a lot of psycopath potential there.

Or you could be one of those crazy airline points people who spend longer than their trip trying to game the frequent flier/upgrad system. I guess those people are kind of psychopaths too.

Maybe, you’re on to something here…

Speaking as someone who has fairly frequently travelled across big timezone differences, basically having to sleep and get up earlier sucks. Having to sleep and get up later is no big deal.

Fuck, I’m jet lagged this morning just going from bed to the computer.


I don’t know it doesn’t seem that difficult, not like the actual airplane ride is exhausting. I don’t sleep well on planes because I don’t fit on them but plenty of people will just sleep the whole flight. Last time I went to London i landed at 5 or 6 am local time and just went out and did stuff the whole day, went to bed at night and was fine the rest of the trip.

Going West and staying up longer is way easier than going east.

We did this on our last North America → Europe trip as well. Board a plane to Lisbon at 11pm Toronto time, land in Lisbon and check in to hotel around lunch time. I just downed a few espressos and we went for a walk and dinner and went to bed at a normal time in Lisbon.


You sit on a fucking plane and read or sleep or watch TV, lol if you think that is exhausting.

You’re cooped up (even in business class your range of motion is pretty restricted), it’s extremely loud, the air pressure is a lot lower than you think it is. even if you can sleep it’s not a restful, restorative sleep.

I have a very hard time sleeping on a plane as well, and if I could sleep, I’d probably be snoring, which would be embarrassing. So I’ve totally banned red-eyes home from Vegas. The whole travel experience, with the lines, and taking off of shoes, and delays, lost baggage etc. is pretty exhausting. The flight itself is usually not enjoyable, but I endure it. I stay a few extra days in Vegas or Reno because I hate the travel days so much that I need to space them out.

I can sleep in the middle seat of a Frontier flight to Vegas.

one of the best and cheapes flying upgrades is good-to-great active noise cancelling over the ear headphones.