Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Woodward: What do you think?

Walsh: You were really shouting at him.

Woodward: I was. To get in a word edgewise.

Walsh: Your shouting, though, was really loud.

Woodward: It’s okay. It’s okay.

Walsh: You want to get more information from him, not–

Woodward: I know. Like this. I agree.

Walsh: — telling him what he needs to do.

Walsh: You kind of sounded like you were telling him what to do.

Woodward: Yeah. Well —

Walsh: You don’t want to do that.

Woodward: Okay. But we’re in a different world now, sweetie.

Walsh is his wife :expressionless:

“Treat the fascists with more respect” is a very common and very stupid idea that has a lot od traction with a lot of centrist types.


JFC (replies are so good)



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I love it when Actual NYT is indistinguishable from NYT Pitchbot.


Nothing shows how far the NYT has its head up up its own ass quite like when they run stories about their own editorial columnists doing mundane things. “One of our writers is a climate truther moron!” “One of our writers ate a pot brownie and had a bad time!” Who in god’s name is the audience for this supposed to be for this self-absorbed fluff? I follow reporter Twitter to a very unhealthy degree and I dgaf. At least spice it up and tell us hot gossip like who Brett Stephens is flirting with at the office.

Once in a while Dave Weigel will tweet something problematic and stir up drama. That’s a lot more entertaining than hearing that the NYT’s resident shitheel troll has shitty trollish takes on climate change.

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The dynamic seems a bit similar to how the Academy overrates films about the film industry. Journalists like to write pieces about journalists for the same reason, it doesn’t occur to them that the rest of us don’t find these to be the most intersection stories.

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I’ve mostly sworn off novels where the main character is a novelist. Steven King gets a pass.

Roth and Hemingway also have good books where they have more or less inserted themselves as the main character.





Truly insane take here


Would have guessed pitchbot there.

Without reading the whole article, I actually agree? When I flew from SFO to Paris for my honeymoon, we got in at night, and then we woke up at like 5 am, both of us wide awake. It was summer, so it was light, and it was actually really cool to wander around Notre Dame without any people there. We were pretty groggy by the end of the day and turned in early, and after that we were basically on local time, but I don’t think it is strange to enjoy a new place when people aren’t there as you settle into the new day cycle. You might as well make the most of when you are feeling awake, even if you also try to adjust your cycle to local time.


Feeling awake after flying across the ocean is psychopath shit.

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It may be true, but do we really need an article in the NYT about it?

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