Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



Whether it’s the allied soldiers trying to fight their way towards the bunker in Berlin or Hitler’s remaining elite trying to liquidate the last of the imprisoned Jews before the fall of the reich, both sides have tough logistical challenges ahead of them.



Didn’t watch the interview, but it’s probably a broader narrative about not exposing kids to stuff parents don’t like. In addition to trans issues, I’d imagine it could include sexuality (both homosexuality and hetero sex ed stuff), “crt”, and also include Covid protocols like masking/vaccinations/etc.

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Yeah what’s brilliant about it is that viewers can project whatever Boomer grievance they have into something like “parent’s rights.”


It’s “don’t tell my kids it’s OK to be gay/trans”.

In the meantime, GOP in many states is working to put people like me in jail for treating our kids’ gender dysmorphia. Parental rights my ass.


Parents have the right to direct their children’s education and health care. So long as they are fit parents, they are given wide discretion. They only have to be adequate in meeting their children’s needs, not provide the best possible care. However wide that discretion is, it is not unlimited.

In this particular case, it is probably a reaction to a proposed Virginia law that would include failure to affirm gender identity or sexual orientation as a form of child abuse that could be prosecuted as a felony.

… or that vaccines work, or that climate change science is valid, or that there is structural racism in America, etc. etc. etc. They basically do not want to confront reality and the want their kids to live in the same delusional bubble that they live in because, to be fair, being a privileged, protected, ignorant white person in America is fucking awesome.


lol nytimes


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Not following the logic here. Walker wants to get the support of Democrats by saying Warnock almost always votes with Biden? Democrats don’t want Warnock to vote with Biden? How is this voting thing supposed to be such a successful dig against Warnock?

No, he’s riling up his deplorable Let’s Go Brandon base. The Republican playbook doesn’t include trying to win over Dems, it’s 100% red meat for the base + cheating.

Meh. Yeah, I guess. Seems like a fair assumption these days that politicians will always vote with their party, so not sure why that would be such a motivating factor to vote.

There’s no persuasion going on, these debates are more like two sports commentators talking about an upcoming game. Each team’s supporters consume the vapid content to prepare themselves for the comfortable experience of rooting for their team and feeling like a part of something.

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Biden is more unpopular in georgia than nationally, reminding people who might be thinking “this walker dude is a little too fucking crazy” of Warnock’s “radical socialist librul agenda” is definitely the best move he has right now

I agree with the NYT that if the fake badge is the most embarrassing thing he did, he achieved the objective. Real Senate candidate Herschel Walker participated in a real debate!

That’s Real United States Senator Herschel Walker to you, sir.

even for yggy this is pretty disgraceful



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I’m gonna need someone to ELI5 the disgraceful part of this.

It doesn’t make sense how he can be puzzled as to what the joke is but also know that TNG uniforms are the correct uniform choice. Standard Yggy low-effort trolling.

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