Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

based on where they are,

my guess is Fordham.

Ok, so I read the damn article.

The couple, who met as undergraduates at Pepperdine University in 2015 and got engaged this year, wanted some yard space for their new housemates.

Ah, good ole Pepperdine, Malibu’s foremost private Christian university with fog-a-mirror admission standards. (It, obviously, isn’t cheap.) Former home of Pepperdine Law School dean Ken Starr. So with their dual Pepperdine degrees I can only assume they have 2 x $200k in student loans.

Mr. Randel’s parents agreed to contribute a portion of a down payment on a single-family house.

wait, are you saying biden is bailing out these irresponsible millenial spenders with the college loan thing?

Probably safer to assume $0 in loans

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I read this and now you have to too.


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100% is definitely a portion.

source: an unfortunate cake that wandered into the wrong kitchen

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How is that not how John Yoo is described whenever he shows up on CNN?

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Yes I’m going with this

Just saw this. There’s no way this was actually a real tweet from the NYT, right?

Same thing here. I canceled my subscription and during the process they immediately tried to get me to renew @ $60 per year and I declined. I just received an email with an offer @ $40/year to renew, billed annually. So, I can now subscribe $3.33/month vs the $3.99/month. So by trying to raise the subscription, they instead lowered it, seems like not the best strategy.

Holy shit.

Looks like it’s $40/year and renews at $120/year automatically thereafter, so will need to do the dance again in a year.


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Mine went from $4/mo back up to $10/mo. Went through the cancellation process online - got offered $4 every four weeks… for 12 weeks, after which is goes to $12/four weeks. LOL, you just put me at $10/month. So the offer is I can pay more in the long run?

So I canceled and we’ll see if I get an offer via email.


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