Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Seriously? How the fuck is “I see you have it tough and we want to help you” more condescending than what the Republicans are offering in sentiment and assistance?


It’s almost like the excuse of “Democrats are condescending” isn’t the real reason people like her are voting for Trump.


Blockquote “You cry long enough and loud enough, and at first people are like, ‘Oh no, the wolf is here, the wolf is here,’ but after a while, you realize, it’s a joke. And so now, I don’t even care anymore.”

Dude, you never cared.

Translation: She’s a single-issue anti-abortion voter.

She also finds “People of Wal Mart” offensive, revealing a lack of soul

And she watches a lot of Fox News.

Liked that my boy Glenn came out swinging though, had to be held back. Hoping Glenn goes on Rogan’s podcast someday and Joe gets him into BJJ and elk meat so he can be better prepared for his next fight.


Bret Stephens is the actual worst. I challenge anyone to name another op-ed writer who is as consistently unreadable.

Hew Hewitt says herro my beer?

Hugh Hewitt and Marc Theissen.

Meh, I just looked through their body of work. Hewitt is the same as he was in the Instapundit days, a simpering toady who will lick the boots of whichever batch of lunatics are currently running the GOP. He is bad but I feel like there’s some level of comedy to him. Thiessen actually writes some columns praising Trump and some critical, i.e. actual opinions. Stephens writes the same dumbass column week in week out. It’s how fucking interminable his writing is that gets me.

I knew Chris Hayes was from the Bronx, but his upbringing (at least prior to a magnet high school) was a bit scrappier than I thought. https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/1194236013469749251?s=19



This is an extremely bad headline.


Crossposted from the Who Will Run thread


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