Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I’m not clicking the link, but why would they post a blank page?

She’s leaving Fox for CBS she says “because facts matter”

“They’re evil people. They want to abort babies up to the 9-month gestation age. That’s sick and twisted, okay?” he said of Democrats. “They want to tell me that if I disagree with homosexuality because of my Christian views, that I hate gays. I don’t hate gay people. I’m not out there trying to harm gay people. I don’t hate gay people any more than I hate a murderer.”


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Is the Russian flag the tag that means?:

‘Paid 4 by Russia’

That guy sure has been quiet on Ukraine, guess he finally has his swag back.

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That’s not the context of her statement:

“I am grateful to Mr. Murdoch for the opportunity to cover the most impactful stories of the last 23 years, most recently the special counsel report and impeachment inquiry,” Herridge said. “I have received great personal satisfaction from mentoring the next generation of reporters and producers and sharing my journalistic values — that facts matter and enterprising reporting will always win the day.”



…but what we’re in is not it.



The Pinocchio Test

Booker’s numbers add up, especially if one decides that “gun violence” includes all deaths by guns, as measured by the CDC, including suicides and justifiable homicides. But while the numbers are technically correct, we’re not sure if it makes sense to tally up deaths across centuries and then compare them to deaths from the last half-century.

Certainly, there have been many American deaths in war — and from guns. Whether the comparison is meaningful is up to the reader. By our standards, the claim is not worthy of a Geppetto check mark, but neither does it qualify for a Pinocchio.

Wow, somebody get this guy a Pulitzer.


I’m very irritated by a headline on msn.com being chopped to this:

Sources: Bolton willing to testify

The rest of it is essentially ‘if a court compels him to’. That’s the equivalent of not being willing to testify bruh…uh, I mean ‘sources’.

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Probably Democrats’ fault somehow.

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It’s just the same goddamn opinion piece every six months in perpetuity

I guess you could call that a fight

I hate-read that.

Here’s the beginning:

Among the people I love is a sibling who works at Walmart cleaning toilets at night in a thinly populated part of eastern Oregon. She’s been there more than 25 years and has trouble saving a dime and certainly no path to retirement. She’s likely to vote, again, for President Trump.

No matter how much I point out that Trump is trying to take away her health care protections by litigating to kill Obamacare, that his tariffs have made it harder to pay her bills, that he is the most repulsive and creepy man ever to occupy the White House, she holds firm.

Why? One reason is what she hears from the other side. Many Democrats, she says, are dismissive of her religious beliefs and condescending of her lot in life. She’s turned off by the virtue-signaling know-it-alls.
