Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Laura Ingrahm, Alan Dershowitz and John Yoo


She’s the fire-est of all MSNBC pundits ainec

You’d almost never know she was a Republican

Other than the fact that many of her guests are Republicans.

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This is a serious trifecta of scum. I still don’t get how Yoo holds down a job in fucking Berkeley

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Yeah but she brings the noise daily. I’m shocked Andy Lack hasn’t gotten rid of her like he did Soledad

She’s the model of what Andy Lack wants in all his hosts (Republicans who can bring a Dem audience). But when Trump’s gone, you can guarantee all that fire is gone.

He had tenure before he joined the Bush whitehouse. Berkeley is serious about not messing with tenure.

Fun fact: Wallace went to Berkeley.

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Can you give a little more background for what’s going on here?



It’s the paper props… There always there.

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I’ve literally never heard of Dave Rubin til today

Some of his producing is whack.

He’s apparently a libertarian, so he has the worst ideology ever.

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Elliott can feel its feelings.