Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Don’t get sick or take a break!

Shocked, SHOCKED that people are taking vacations during the summer.

Good. They fucking shouldn’t.

Take your vacations if you have them America! Take them!

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Congress agrees.

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Dumb question, but these aren’t technically vacations, right?

In theory they’re supposed to be back at home meeting with constituents and doing other work that can’t effectively be done from D.C. Although with technology where it is right now, it seems that excuse isn’t quite as useable as it once may have been.

And what an effort it was, voting with the majority….



John Roberts has a net positive approval rating among democrats!

That’s a lot of work for a simple apostrophe. Headline is accurate without it.


this shit is so embarassing, it’s amazing how easily roberts is able to hoodwink these bozos, dude absolutely does not want to “save abortion rights” he’s just worried about the optics of yanking the bandaid off all at once and would rather chip away at it over a couple of decades so his legacy is nicer

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I was told CNN is left wing propaganda!

Goddamn, Hunter just slaps. He’s so based, just look at him. Hunter is like what if your cool weed uncle was a cool cocaine uncle.

The perfect time for a new trash talking hero to rise…!



“Luxurious lifestyle” and costs be damned? Sunglasses guy in F150 driver seat so mad

fucking idiot on the NPR politics podcast admitting she tried to use a debit card to buy megamillions tickets, they’re really in touch

this reminds me of the time on the same podcast that some fucking nerd tried to claim that Carls Jr and Hardees were completely different

They appear to have overlapping but not completely identical menus.

Someone making content about how to make “passive income” talks to 3 people who make passive income by making content about making passive income and comes to the conclusion that the best way to make passive income is to make content about how to make passive income. This is journalism.


You should be making passive income by making content about making content about making passive income. Then I will will make passive income by making content about making passive income by making content about making content about making passive income. WE’RE ALL GONNA BE RICH!