Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

But that’s SOCIALISM!


Replies are great

Apparently this is real too.

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And that reason was…racism.

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Huh, sometimes I find out that random twitter people have blocked me and I have no clue why. Apparently Carol Eggers is one of those. What was the image she posted?

An image of ground zero that Fox apparently used to advertise MLB.


I was wrong about Hannibal Lecter.

By Clarice Starling


By armie hammer

re: the Zeldin attack, NYTimes doing a bangup job


(click through for the thread)


wait, this isn’t the pitchbot?


Has anyone read the Bret Stephens Trump voters article? I read a lot of godawful stuff but there is no way I am reading a single word of that one.

Presumably the article then segues into his 7 millionth discussion of how the Democrats are Too Far Left. God. I shouldn’t have asked, I’m tilted just thinking about it.

He doesn’t mention Dems. His basic point is:

But I would also approach these voters in a much different spirit than I did the last time. “A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall,” noted Abraham Lincoln early in his political career. “If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.” Words to live by, particularly for those of us in the business of persuasion.

Jake tapper invited Lis “never been right about anything in my life” Smith on and is positively fawning over her because she … wrote a book

SLEEPY EYES chuck todd asks al gore “why not you?” (as a presidential candidate) and gore looked at him like he just grew a third head

Al Gore running an “I TOLD YOU FUCKERS” 2024 campaign would be entertaining as the planet gets rocked by historically unprecedented heat waves.