Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I pay $4 a month for WSJ as they are the only paper left doing real business reporting but holy shit is their opinion page completely bonkers. Is basically breitbart.

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WSJ is an amazing paper if you can lobotomize yourself into ignoring the op-eds. I get it for free through work tho

These are the people (and worse) that consolidate power when Democrats (even the worst Democrats) lose elections from voter apathy.

My few republican friends/acquaintances (all middle to upper class types) form a lot of their views on WSJ op-eds and firmly believe that the WSJ is like some sort of upstanding beacon of truth and unbiasedness and literally cannot tell any distinction between their financial reporting an the op-eds. It’s infuriating.

Get ready for 48 hours of breathless CNN coverage of DOES BIDEN HAVE A HANDSHAKE CRISIS?!?!?!




In this thread for this line alone:

With four months to go until the election, it is far too soon to say whether the campaign will remain focused on issues such as abortion and gun control for long enough for the Democrats to avoid a long-expected midterm rout. If it does, a close national vote would probably translate to a close race for control of Congress, as neither party enjoys a clear structural advantage in the race. Partisan gerrymandering has slightly tilted the map toward the Republicans in the House, but Democrats enjoy the advantages of incumbency and superior fundraising in key districts.


fuck off with this voter apathy bullshit

democrats run bad candidates, it’s not the voters’ fault that they FUCKING NOTICED these losers are losers

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I ascribe to the NBZ view that the worst (modern) Democrat is better than the best Republican. The relative strength of the candidate is icing.

I just went through primary voting in my state last month, and I specifically voted for the candidates that posited strong anti-prison positions. I hoped they win. In the cases in which they lost I’m voting happily for the Democrat in the general.

Which raises the question of why we can’t get better people running for office? I think its probably because they can kind of tell what the game is all about and they don’t want any part of it. It takes a certain personality type to want to be a political figure, and that personality type doesn’t always translate to the best leadership. I’m convinced there are better people who could lead, but they want no part of this bullshit. Not sure how we fix this.

the establishment shanks any uppity kids. you have to be a full blown mckinsey droid to get any support at all as an up and comer

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nobody is disputing that

it’s still the candidate’s job to win the vote

I understand your position. Bad candidates suck, and they shouldn’t expect to garner support.

I still blame the voters that don’t vote for them. It shouldn’t be difficult to just scan for “Democrat/D” next to a name and fill in the circle. There isn’t any need for more of a deep dive than that in a general. I do think that for many people voting is prohibitively difficult and I am sympathetic to people that have to work multiple jobs and/or have childcare responsibilities. I don’t blame them for not voting, but anyone that can vote without much daily interruption has no legitimate excuse not to—otherwise they have absolutely no right to complain when the GOP makes things worse.

This is true.

This is good.

This is where you lose me. I’m voting for the Democrat, but it sure as shit won’t be “happily”.

My endorphins blast-off when I get to vote against a Republican. It’s like hate watching being better than watching something you kinda like.



The Democrats therefore rightly see themselves as the only remaining guardians of America’s political system. The country needs parties that actually represent voters, few of whom belong to the extremes. And yet Democrats too have fallen prey to their activists.


All too often, Mr Biden seems to distinguish himself from his party’s worst ideas in muted tones and delicate asides. He needs to be louder and clearer in defending ideas that used to be uncontroversial: rising crime is unacceptable and the police force is needed to contain it; legal immigration is better than the illegal sort, and borders should be kept secure; the study of racism belongs in the school curriculum, social-justice praxis does not. It is not enough for Democrats to bemoan Republican disinformation. They need to counter the idea that they themselves are in thrall to their own extremes.

So their advice for Biden is to be a Republican. Hopefully they end with a good lol line

Standing up to the ideologues of the left will require grit, but if Mr Biden truly wants to save the soul of the nation he will have to start with the soul of his own party.





lol, cnbc literally just published the opposite:

“See, what everyone is not including in the conversation is what really causes inflation, which is too many people with too much money chasing too few goods,” Bill Smead, chief investment officer at Smead Capital Management, told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Europe” on Thursday.

Smead explained that in the U.S. there are an estimated 92 million millennials, primarily in the 27- to 42-year-old age bracket. “The last time we saw what we call ‘wolverine inflation’ — which is inflation that is hard for policymakers to stop — was when 75 million baby boomers had replaced 44 million silent generation people in the 1970s.”

Oh wait, that one was 2019.

Oddly the economist doesn’t mention doing popular things like drug price reform, help unions, etc.