Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Let’s Go Steward!

WaPo letting John Fucking Bolton eulogize Shinzo Abe in their editorial section is…. an interesting choice.

This wins my lol media take of the day


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Not sure where this goes, but Twitter can be a poor media outlet, as apparently this


was part of a large debate yesterday.

media != news

even “news” isn’t really news except like AP wire





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What? Those places that make up like 1% of all gas stations? Or is ExxonMobil a mom and pop shop to them?

I think they are referring to the fact that lots of gas stations (including ExxonMobil) are operated by a franchisee. So they are a mom-and-pop shop the same way McDonald’s are.

McDonald’s franchisees are mostly failsons with 10+ locations and a NetJets card. Gas station owners are far more sympathetic, usually immigrants working their asses off at razor thin margins.


Look do you need to know anything about this guy to know he’s a big ass racist? No, the bowtie, round glasses, and suit screams it loud enough

But if one were so inclined

Tucker is a former Ron Paul acolyte who has worked with Lew Rockwell in various capacities, including at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. But there’s a bit more to it than that. A 20-year-old report by the Southern Poverty Law Center on the Neo-Confederate movement identified Tucker and Rockwell as founding members of the League of the South

Shocked I tell you shocked

The clip is a few days after the NY Post ran an article over the same bit. All these clown feeding from the same what nationalist trough





Every time

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Sounds like that “rapist” got railroaded!

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Update the story but not the headline lol… Fucking propaganda rag.

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The irony is that I know of more than one vote “blue no matter who” e-dem types who continue to read and pay for the WSJ and refuse to entertain thoughts that they are basically fox news adjacent.

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