Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This is gonna be fun


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It’s less fun than I expected, tbh. Basically Habes is an unprofessional clown.

I initially misread this as a refreshingly honest admission:

But now I’m pretty sure he’s describing what he views to be a false story.


Feels like maybe the Hatch Act should be mentioned earlier that it is in this article and perhaps actually explained.

How were they still on?

I guess there are so many employees in the government that Biden can’t keep track of who’s who.


It isn’t a paid position so I’m not sure how they could really be federal employees.

Good lord


Is a 40% tax rate possible?


They problem live in Democrat run hell hole city. The CRT tax alone is 15%.

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They should have had more than 2 children to rake in that welfare money.

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I dunno when I plug 500k and married into someone living in NorCal without city income taxes into smart asset’s income tax calculator it comes to 34.65%

Only three vacations a year?

state taxes can be a bitch but 40% seems a bit high for $500k.

as always



Three vacations a year in America for a family of four? Seems impractical given everybody’s hectic schedules.

And lol @ giving to college alumni association. Fuck them.

Also give your kids some fucking free time you psycho parents. Can’t a kid fucking masturbate every once in a while?

But imagine if we didn’t build McMansions on the assumption that all kids should have their own rooms?