Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It is probably sincere advice for your average NYT reader - don’t play with your kids, have your nanny play with them instead.


You’d think but the gist of the piece is “I don’t like playing and my kids don’t like how I play with them, so I stopped and they seem happier now”.

NYT has gone full Substack.

At first I was ready to be charitable and assumed that she was mainly talking about older kids who had become more independent and just wanted to play with friends/by themselves, but nope, she doesn’t even play with her baby.

The text of the article probably resembles this

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Jesus Christ man. Basically child abuse. Kid is going to grow up with all kinds of problems.

They post it because this is what a lot of their privileged readers want to hear - it’s ok to ignore your kids and prioritize work/your personal life.


Who the fuck even reads the NYT at this point. Obviously lots of people but I have no idea who they are. Right leaning business types all read WSJ instead, who is this for?

I think it’s for left leaning affluent types that want some assurance that the lives they live aren’t actually in contradiction with their self image, but are Actually Good. You see, I make so much money that I can afford a luxury car, and I vote for people to keep my taxes low, which doesn’t sound very progressive, but wait if I buy an electric Audi instead of a Hummer then I am a Reasonable Adult and Part Of The Solution. Not like those other guys over there.

That writer is gonna have three successful sociopaths in the future.

The whole letter seems to be an exercise in absolving her guilt for being a terrible parent.

I don’t bother with the NYT but do they publish reader letters that respond to articles like these? I imagine so.

The article is from mid 2021 so there are plenty of comments on it. Lots of “this makes sense to me, my parents never played with me and I turned out fine” so yeah.










How this guy does this, for like 6 years now, without truly going insane is beyond me

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What the fucking fuck am I reading here

They favor a restrictive view, i.e. the court should never be allowed to stop them from doing what they want to do. For example, using the court to pass laws in their favor.

But they also want the courts to block liberal laws - like Obamacare (or anything else they don’t like).

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But on the other hand, he’s so polished and well-spoken and Ivy League educated and have you seen how white he looks in a suit?

They lie to convince people all the time. Why can’t we?