Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices




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lol, nm


Republicans are torn between the “Biden is too weak on Putin” centrists and the “Actually, Ukraine isn’t a real country” wingnuts. It’s glorious.

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You don’t really need to highlight specific stories from the Post in the thread about bad media. You can just gesture at the Post generally.

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It’s gay to wear clothes.

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Without clicking through the link, I’m guessing Politico is assigning the blame to progressives?

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I hope they didn’t put that in the print edition, it’s 2 or 3 pages long. They’re also not done.

This editorial board plans to identify a wide range of threats to freedom of speech in the coming months, and to offer possible solutions.

OTOH, me being a liberal, I have sympathy for a robust marketplace of ideas. Intolerance of other people’s opinions is increasing and there are drawbacks to that.

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In the past it used to be a bunch of white guys debating civilly about whether certain marginalized groups are trash, gross, stupid, etc. and not worthy of rights everyone else has.

Now those marginalized groups have enough sway to shout “right back at you buddy!” to the people “civilly” insulting them and we have an “intractable problem” because the result is just two groups insulting each other and everyone knows that is not a civilized debate!

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A good start to fixing this would be having a population that can distinguish opinions from facts.

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Well sort of, more like she just does it herself

“My first term … there was a lot more tolerance for, ‘Do what you need to do to hold your seat, and come back because we’re trying to build towards [a] majority,’” Murphy said. “With us being in the majority, that tolerance eroded a bit. It’s unfortunate, because I think in order for us as Democrats to hold the majority, you have to be able to win in seats like mine and in redder seats. That means you have to cut your members a little bit of leeway to vote their district. This march towards party unity is going to be detrimental to our ability to lead.”

“I believe in immigration and comprehensive immigration reform and the ability for people to immigrate to the United States in a legal way,” said Murphy. “But I also believe in law and order, and ensuring that we hold people who commit crimes accountable.”

“I can’t tell you the number of times I said, ‘You can’t keep promising rainbows and unicorns when your political reality is such narrow margins in the House and a dead-even Senate,’” said Murphy.


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Well playing with your kids doesn’t make corporate America any money. Much better to work extra hours to generate more corporate profits, and leave your kids playing video games - just make sure they aren’t playing free ones, gotta pump some money into xBox Live subscriptions or whatever.