Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I do know that at Costco they tell you they love you on your way in.

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I woulda had a tough time guessing between NYT Pitchbot and Onion,

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Only just figuring this out in 2022, smh.


At least he did figure it out. Puts him ahead of about half of America.


Although I see free streaming services like Tubi and Pluto carry all these horrible news outlets.

"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and five other Republication state attorneys general last week urged DirecTV to reverse the decision, claiming that “your failure to do so will… drive many millions of Americans to simply cancel your services outright, as President Trump and other leading figures have already called for.”

So it’s wrong and cancel culture for people to pressure DirectTV to drop OAN, but all good for people to call for a boycott of DirectTV if they do drop OAN. Not new, but as always “cancel culture” only means when conservatives are the ones facing consequences.


Succinctly stated!

Ken Paxton and OAN also obviously don’t believe in the free market.

I don’t know who this guy is, but I’m just going to assume he was in a coma for the last 15 years.

Some conservatives do believe in “the free market”, but they don’t “reason” in the way that you might. If you were trying to decide if you believed in “the free market”, you’d probably try to come up with a set of rules and/or philosophies that make up a free market ideology, then you would examine those against your personal beliefs and maybe even seek out verifiable information about the consequences of free market ideas in action.

Most conservatives do not do this.

Most conservative believers in the free market come at it this way:

  1. I am a naturally superior person, this is evident and a consequence of my superior genes and my very stable genius.
  2. If something good happens to me, that was the free market in action. Because my natural superiority was not constrained, I was awarded the good outcome that I deserve and that comes naturally to me, as a superior person.
  3. If something bad happens to me, that was socialism. The only possible way my natural superiority could fail to come through is if an inefficient government ruins my brilliance with their stupidity.

Using that thought process, they arrive at the conclusion that free markets are good and socialism is bad. And a lot of them really believe it in their hearts. I mean, why wouldn’t they?


Conservatives are consequentialists. Liberals are more likely to be deontologists.

Your fancy big words are SOCIALISM!


Me, as AT&T’s CEO:


Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 10.53.47 AM

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If the US and Russia end up at war, Ukraine will be the first victim, but it won’t be the last


In the gun thread, but belongs here too.

“Why?” you might ask.

Because the cop is the one who shot his wife. Then he killed himself.


lol - the news station must have gotten pummeled. They pulled the tweet and redid it with a new headline.

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Att ceo is a black democrat which really irks OAN. They wanted to catch him slurring whites.