Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Schefter is basically a mindless NFL mouthpiece. Unsurprising to see this.

It’s like expecting Brett Okamoto to ask tough questions to Dana White. He won’t. He’s emasculated.

My buddy in the business says Schefter’s reputation in the business is scummy for exactly that type of tweet. He’ll carry water for just about anyone if it transactionally makes sense.


A producer might have finally realized there might have been a few million German speaking Jews who wouldn’t agree with the sentiment if they hadn’t been exterminated.


pretty bad statement and hopefully just an error in judgement. otherwise mcfaul has been good

He apologized today…for using a Hitler analogy


and communists, socialists, social democrats, the disabled, homosexuals, Freemasons, Jehova‘s Witnesses


This dude might as well pour gasoline all over himself and light a match

Who the fuck is this guy anyway

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He’s the director of Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, duh.

I was pretty sure he was going to hang his hat on the “ethnic Germans”.

Feel like people are arguing a bunch of semantics here. What was not communicated perfectly was that Hitler had a vision of who he was working on behalf of and his actions were in line with that while Putin claims to have a vision of Russians and Ukrainians as one people but does not appear to be treating his supposed brethren the way his rhetoric suggests he should.

If you are going to ding this guy for his words, it should be for saying that Putin is kind of worse than Hitler in one regard. His intended meaning seems clear and might actually be something that can be interpreted as reasonable to believe.


Sucking, as one might expect.



:roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming: :zipper_mouth_face:

CNBC’s corporate propaganda is so blatantly obvious it’s funny.

Like, wouldn’t you rather generate profits for corporations than go fishing or golfing? HELL YES, AM I RIGHT PEOPLE??? STOP BEING LAZY BUMS, WAL MART NEEDS GREETERS AND MY STONKS NEED TO STONK!!!

Yeah they’re the same ones that check your receipt on the way out.

iirc there’s some theory if you say hello to someone they’re less likely to steal shit


I’ve had it happen on the east coast and in Las Vegas at Wal Mart.

It’s standard at Best Buy.