Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

With the possible exception of the “10-20 years” against student loans I want to punch them in the face for everything they wrote in parenthesis.

I don’t know, they called clothes “threads,” so they are pretty cool and down to earth.


4-5 rooms shouldn’t automatically mean mcmansion. good point on needing the privacy to masturbate every once in a while.

Every week.


What I can’t square in the budget breakdown is $42k per year for childcare but having kids old enough to play sports, piano, and violin

I actually don’t believe that this family would take vacations that average only $6,000 each.

Have you accounted for the fact that people are morons?

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Even if we assume the numbers are all real, we have two adults who presumably live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, drive nice vehicles, can afford quality childcare and outside activities for the kids, are able to max out their 401Ks, take three vacations per year, and still have plenty of money left over to give to charities.

Sounds pretty “well-off” to me.

$32k/year in student and graduate school debt repayments? for 10-20 years? that’s pretty damn high, i guess it’s a two doctor household?

They might be buying 150 gallons of milk per week at $28 per gallon. THANKS BIDEN!


Seems to be a 2019 tweet of a regularly updated 2018 article based on two 35 year old lawyers in NYC. If you follow it through to the truly awful original article you find out that their kids were 3 and 5.

i see. so maybe it’s like two columbia lawyers who are staying in nyc to maximize future earnings without giving up the lifestyle they’ve grown accustomed to? because otherwise it’s relatively straightforward and commonplace for professionals to move to more affordable places.

I would love to see an interview with this NYC lawyer couple where someone tries to explain to them the benefits of moving to Wichita or Cleveland.

I mean as far as I can work out these people don’t need to move. In what appears to be a snapshot of the most expensive moment of their lives they can comfortably afford a lavish lifestyle in one of the most expensive cities on Earth and still shell out 18k a year in charitable donations.

yes i agree. they certainly shouldn’t complain and could easily save $50k if they thought that was high priority.

they don’t have to move to wichita. i know two lawyer couples who moved from nyc to nj back to nyc because rent/lifestyle didn’t make sense. they also had two kids, etc. they don’t fit the age range for the heroes of this article, or i’d be suspicious it was them. lol.

Don’t even have to move to NJ. Shit just move to some nice town in Westchester like Scarsdale, Ardsley or Dobbs Ferry. Public schools are great, easier access to Manhattan than a lot of Jersey, fully of rich yuppy places still, cheaper housing.

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fuck westchester. go all the way to the borscht belt.

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ha wife worked in Orange County, newburgh though. Some weird places up there and in Rockland.
