Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



Were there any school closures in Iraq while it was being invaded?


Was anyone else on DailyKos when Nate Silver was posting as poblano?

Most schools were opened from above.

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Meh. He’s very good at Presidential elections. People forget but on the eve of 2016 he was giving Trump like a 30% chance when other aggregators were giving like 10% and took a ton of heat for it. At all the other data stuff he’s just OK and his punditry is horrendous.

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Truly horrendous

Right but that illustrates the fact that the myth built up around him was totally false. It was something like “NATE SILVERS GOT 50 OUT OF 50 STATES CORRECT!!!” in the 2012 election, which is what made his reputation. But that’s not the hard part, in that election any poll averager could have done the same thing. The difficult thing is quantifying the uncertainty beforehand. If the 99% Hilldawg bros had been right then after five or six elections Nate would have been exposed as a fraud because his 70% favorite winner always came in. Instead he gets the election “wrong” (his 70% favorite didn’t come in), but the fact that he had the uncertainty that high meant that his model was much better than theirs. But baked into his model is the undercurrent of hey these polls fucken suck and you can average them together but fuck if I know what it means, really.

Anyway, all I’m saying is that Silvers’ legacy and reputation is mostly based on the mathematic illiteracy of the public in general and journalists in particular. They misunderstood what he was doing and who’s to blame him for riding that wave of fame and accolades to massive payday after massive payday. Good for him.

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What in fuck?



That’s a tapeworm.


yeah, it’s not terrible … once you figure out what the hell is going on, but it’s not great either.

Never seen a spiral graph like that but I dig it


Gonna be turning into a french horn very soon


It’s nice that you can compare year over year just by moving directly radially. That would be an even better feature when you start getting 3 years of data.


Romanticizing the carnage of politicizing a public health crisis, how quaint. To make this an even more compelling scoop, the daughter positioned them to hold hands as they passed (they both happened to be in a coma.) The cherry on top - the daughter then called The New York Post to let them know of this miraculous moment.

I’m going to wear a codpiece on my deathbed and call the papers just before I die to say I went out like I lived, rock hard, print it.


Unvaxxed couple dies of COVID holding hands: 'True definition of …


You may recall her prior work:


Edit: the article is fine and not very committal. The headline writer for the Post Twitter account is both a piece of shit and didn’t read the article.

She may still suck, but not for that.

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Both sides on both sides of the Atlantic.

“ The best response would be to protect democracy today by shoring up the voting system before it is too late. However, although Americans say they want voting reform, different sides mean different things by it. Given that Democrats would like to make it easier for people to vote and Republicans are concerned with fraud and how results are verified, a compromise guaranteeing both ought to be possible. An election-security law of this type should be at the top of the agenda for 2022. And yet the passing of legislation assumes the very bipartisanship whose absence is at the root of America’s democratic decay.”

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