Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

you see, conservative pro-life movement just couldn’t help take care of children, both born and unborn, because of roe. Because abortion services were available to women who wanted one, there was just nothing conservatives could do until this moment. they couldn’t agree to sex ed in school, nor maternity leave, nor paternity leave, nor access to childcare, nor equal pay and opportunity for women.

If Roe goes, the pro-life movement can begin where it left off in 1973, working to convince fellow citizens (especially in blue states like mine) that we owe dependent and vulnerable unborn children what every human being is due: hospitality, respect and care.

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What absolute moron wrote this?

In my fantasies about immortality, I always come back to the fact that I’d have to work literally forever unless I became Bezos-rich.

Don’t give the NYT op-Ed page clicks challenge.





Without checking, I’m going to guess that Dole hasn’t set foot in Russell, Kansas in the past 30 years.

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My only source of comfort is knowing they’re going to be the first people loaded on the trains


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Brian Williams signs off MSNBC tonight. I know we say poor media choices in this thread, but I’ve always enjoyed his bone dry humor. Anyway, a tribute:

(the original isn’t on youtube, so you can only find bootlegs like this)


That’s pretty awesome.

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Oh boy Peggy Noonan is trending again.

I read it. It is exactly as bad as you would expect.

I assume she basically calls Harris “uppity” without actually saying the word?

It is so bad, in so many ways, I struggle to summarize it. It suffers from the classic reactionary thing where there isn’t even really a coherent argument to attack because the article is just word salad of assuming baseless conclusions.

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Can you imagine what would happen if the president of the USA was not a serious person?


No worries, there would be Adults In The Room to make sure that everything went smoothly. You just need to lower your expectations.

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