Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Indistinguishable from parody


And “Antifa” is trending right after that far right rally yesterday in DC



We can always count on Yggy to give the left good-faith advice.

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He’s not wrong.

It’s hard to motivate activism in this country because Americans have it good relative to the rest of the world. In a just society, the redistribution of wealth would be taking money not just from the super-rich but even the middle class people of the first world and giving to the third world poor.

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Pretty sure he and 100% sure Matt read none of the replies

I think he’s correct in that if your only source on American society was certain sections of the American left (this forum included to an extent) you’d assume everyone was living on rice and water. But I also think that “average living standards are high” is so abstract a measure as to be useless. Like if you mean GDP per capita 4 ROLLZ, then yeah, US doing well. Beyond that, it gets complicated.


The American left has already lost if they’re trying to convince people what statistical measure is the best. No one gives a fuck about statistical measures except for people that reliably vote Dem. There are exactly zero votes in play that depend no persuading people that the abstract median “fellow American” family out there needs help. People need to be appealed to based on their own reality. Matty Y has this right to the extent that what drives a ton of voters is that Rs scream from the roof tops that Dems are going to come along and tax away their lives and give them to Urban Thugs and Welfare Queens. People don’t want to lose what they have, which is understandable. Dems can’t counter that narrative with Excel charts and lectures about data distributions.


The Republicans have absolutely no problem getting well-off American voters motivated.

They use fear to motivate people. Dems are going to take all their privileges away and give them to Urban Thugs.

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Not a bad policy for someone who’s ever had the nuclear launch codes, imo


The media’s always desperate for some kind of dumbass scandal during milquetoast Dem administrations, this is the modern “Can you believe Obama asked for mustard for his hamburger?!?!”

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When Harris runs for president, these “OMG BLACK WOMAN BOUGHT A FANCY POT” stories are going to go to eleven.


I’m with Kamala. Bluetooth is fucking garbage.


I haven’t read the story but I’m assuming she doesn’t use bluetooth earbuds because she can’t figure out how pair them with her phone and if so I can’t trust her with the nuclear codes.


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It’s hard to know what’s going on. There are certainly tons of people that see the opportunity to replace Biden, and they would see Kamala as competition. In her defense, bullshit attack stories in the media will have more traction when aimed at her because so many people are susceptible to attacks on powerful black women. On the other hand there may be some “where there’s smoke there’s fire” aspect and she’s just insufferable in person. My guess is that its probably a mix of all these things, she’s probably an asshole and her rivals for leadership of the party are capitalizing on that.

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Do we ever hear anything about the VP unless it’s negative? Biden was touchy-feely-sniffy, Pence was a gay-converting, 15 days to slow the spread trash human, Cheney was a demon, Gore was a stiff, Quayle was a spelling bee loser, etc. Ok, fine, George Clinton was funkadelic, but he’s like the only one.

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