Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Toobin’s situation is definitely funnier, but I don’t think it’s worse.




The kid definitely doesn’t seem like the type to read the Bhagavad Gita or know who Robert Oppenheimer is so I’d buy that he knows the quote from a video game but it’s incredible that shitty news shows still resort to “video games made him do it!”



I guess technically his racist ranting wasn’t set to music. Oh wait, no, they even address his racist ranting in the article


CNN have fired Cuomo now.

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Chris Cuomo cancelled.

CNN said Saturday that anchor Chris Cuomo has been “terminated” by the network, “effective immediately.”

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I like that Toobin trends whenever Chris Cuomo news breaks.


bye bitch

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Clapton is famous for being a shitbag, what in the world is this shit lol

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I was also unaware of Clapton’s past shenanigans. I think across the pond he’s in the news more and UK people are more aware of what a dick he’s been historically.

I’m also a huge fan of rock from the late 60’s-70’s, Cream had some undeniable hits, but Clapton’s solo stuff has been badly overrated. Lots of white artists at the time were lifting songs from black musicians, but at least Zeppelin and the Stones put some heart into it; Clapton is the poster child for white dudes making bland and uninteresting blues covers. I Shot the Sheriff is like, WTF are you even trying to do here, my dude.


Clapton is a notorious asshole. The Derek and the Dominos album will never not be great though.

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White dudes playing bland blues/rock covers of black musicians was a standard thing from the 50’s-70’s. To some degree there was respect for the source material; the Stones I think tried to give Muddy Waters some due for the stuff they pillaged.

Clapton was on some next-level thievery, tho (I did a wikipedia dive into this, strap in). Bob Marley comes out with I Shot the Sheriff in 1973, it goes silver in the UK, 200,000 sales. Clapton does a soft-rock version the very next year in 1974 that hit #1 on the Billboard top 100, it’s his only actual US number one hit. Just straight-up eating Bob Marley’s lunch. It’s not even a good cover.

Layla is a top 3 song of all time for me. But yeah…

All true but Clapton is certainly an admirable guitar player.

One day on my baseball forum, the conversation turned to music and I guess a couple of the participants were semi-pro musicians. And also MAGA people. So I asked if they didn’t feel a bit conflicted by singing “Imagine” for example, while not believing any of the lyrics. They responded by saying there was a disconnect between the artist and the art, and I was a jerk for even questioning that. Okay, but I still don’t really get it.

Born in the USA has been blasting at Trump rallies for 5+ years.

Trump was playing “Fortunate Son” at his rallies!

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Eric Boehlert was just on Brian Stelter’s show and ripped him and CNN in general a new one for their shitty coverage being easier on Trump than Biden, their handling of Chris Christie, etc.

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