Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I’ve seen it in some rural areas in CA.

Of course, that’s the worst place for it to be so high, since there are no other transit choices for them.

I :heart: Alexandra Petri.



I’m seeing around $5 in downtown San Francisco, California is definitely an outlier. Not seeing much else anywhere near that though.

Chicago usually has some of the most expensive gas in the country.

Regular at the gas station was like $4.49 this morning.

they pulled the tweet and issued a “correction” which is really just a more weasel-wordy piece

they are trying to milk the gas story for all its worth before prices break down.


Don’t get me started on milk! Me and my wife buy 94 gallons of the stuff every week and we had to get a second mortgage on the house. THANKS O’BIDEN!!!


Some nerd checks the NYT review of books, a thread:




he’s maga

figured he was part of some apparatchik group and man, you won’t believe what I find out!


Normally, I have to work hard for $800, but this money came regardless of the effort I put in. While my wife and I recognize that raising kids is its own form of work, it’s a labor of love, not a day at the office. I can’t help but feel that my work is somehow diminished and even unnecessary.

Yes, a day in the office is way way easier, especially a make work job like conservative columnist

conservative blogger being against (checks notes) a tax credit, and thus for a tax increase is not something i had on my 2021 bingo.

There should be no taxes or tax credits and white people should get stuff but black people are welfare queens. Magic Freedom Beans pay for stuff for white people. With black people its SOCIALISM!

lol these Quisling assholes wait until November 2021 before deciding they don’t like hanging out with Nazis. I’m looking forward to seeing them on Dancing With The Stars or wherever these fascist jizzmoppers go these days to launder their reputations.


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Regarding Fox News, Goldberg said, “Look, I think liberals have reasonable gripes with Fox News. It does lean to the right, primarily in its opinion programming but also in its story selection (which is fine by me) and elsewhere. But it’s worth remembering that Fox is less a bastion of ideological conservatism and more a populist, tabloidy network.”[48] During the Trump years and beyond, while Goldberg has defended certain news hosts and shows on Fox News, he has become more sympathetic towards critiques of Fox News, especially regarding their Opinion hosts, including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin.[49][50][27]

Goldberg has criticized liberals for disliking Fox News, claiming they have no “problem with the editorializing of MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann or Chris Matthews, they think it’s just plain wrong for conservatives to play that game”.[48] Goldberg has referred to Olbermann as “MSNBC’s answer to a question no one asked”.[51]

Dude, your name is “Jonah Goldberg” and you decided to stan for Nazis, how the fuck did you think this was going to play out? Idiots.


I was just randomly fucking around in the library today and I picked up Jill Abramson’s book. I found out that Thomas Friedman has won…wait for it…three Pulitzers. I’m not making that up.

Hoo hoo! Guess who’s on Maddow tonight?

I’m sure she’s gonna be on-point and spunky!

I’m with her!


I really want to know which of you runs this bot account



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