Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

While in Congress, Scarborough received a number of awards, including the “Friend of the Taxpayer Award” from Americans for Tax Reform; the “Guardian of Small Business Award” from the National Federation of Independent Business; the “Spirit of Enterprise Award” from the United States Chamber of Commerce; the “Taxpayer’s Hero Award” from the Citizens Against Government Waste; and the “Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award” from the 60 Plus Association.[ citation needed ]

Scarborough was one of the 228 members of the House who voted to impeach Bill Clinton in December 1998.[26]

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This seems like a weird comment. Shouldn’t we be loudly singing the praises of both? Worrying about AOC being overrated relative to another awesome congress person seems like a very bizarre take. Sorry if I am misreading the comment.


I remember when Scarborough started on MSNBC back during the Iraq war and the guy was a total right wing nut job.

So have any of us seen this “violent anime” that Rep. Paul Gosar posted on his twitter? He’s about to be censured for it, and that’s fine, but are we being shielded from this anime so as not to be offended? Why? Its kind of hard to watch all this discussion in the House about Gosar’s censure if we’re not able to see wtf they’re talking about. I mean, use a disclaimer before airing…but its a cartoon right? And its the source of this big news story. So even though I haven’t seen it, my instinct is that it has to be aired. Doesn’t it?

I believe it was linked directly in the GOP insanity thread. I’m sure if you searched briefly on Google you could find it.

I’m looking at it more from a media standpoint. If the media is going to give this a lot of coverage, it seems they need to show the video, at least on a limited basis. Offend me if you must, but let me understand what this is about. Since I worked in local newsrooms for a long time, my instinct is that we are there to provide the news and not to censor the news.



Lol, just found out that Rachel Johnson is the sister of Boris.

i mean, just now having looked at it?


Never seen a picture of her before now.

Remember all the times Mike Pence was asked about being underused or misused… oh wait…


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i guess this is a positive article for biden, but lol at that headline framing. prime for fox/newsmax to splice it with whatever they want.







and look at this guy, i mean IF they did, he would probably know

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Joe Biden’s radical stalinist communism has forced AVERAGE HARD WORKING AMERICANS to buy $90 bottles of wine



We’ve paid 200+ for tickets for 10 years. I bought the most expensive bottle of wine at a target yesterday it was $25. I mistakenly got gas off the freeway it was $3.80 and fifty cents less elsewhere. And it was 91 octane.

Really sucks that in Nancy pelosi’s communist dictatorship I’m forced to drink four bottles of Krug per day


Is gas $5/gallon literally anywhere in the US right now?

My first concert was 03 and I think the cheapest Metallica ticket at that time was $80.

Live Nation and Ticket Master are two of the worst companies out there, but people will somehow get mad at Tswift and Springsteen or something.