Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The media and corporate America is desperate for anyone to take the steering wheel of the R party away from Trump and Christie is the best they’ve got. Not going to happen.

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I don’t even think they need Christie to take the wheel, they just need him to have a high enough profile so that they can continue to say things like “look, there are some reasonable republicans!” while they endlessly both-sides things. They probably agree with Christie on most things anyways, and as long as he shits on progressives who cares what dumb shit he’s done in the past?



just all of my lols giving infowars a platform and both sidersing this shit. Huh comments disabled, wonder why?

His age isn’t mentioned in article :expressionless:

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Nicole Wallace had him on her show just now. She did the best job of putting Christie on the spot that I’ve seen so far.

British interviewers seem way better at grilling politicians and other guests on their bullshit. When you see it, it really puts in perspective how much the US infotainment industry gets by on giving every politician a red, white, and blue blow job because God Bless America.




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what is spectator? like a digital version of penthouse or something?

Conservative British political magazine once edited by Boris Johnson.

And the chairman is Andrew Neil who (if such a thing is possible) is even more odious than johnson.

I often want to punch Joe Scarborough, but never more than after this interview.

Also, Lauren Underwood is the congressional hero we all think AOC is


Why she was actually doing media:


How the fuck is Joe doing this on the “liberal network” what a joke

His views there were mainstream Democrat as far as I can tell. He did say he supported a bunch of police reform stuff, but he still worships the cops.

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The prevailing view among democrats is basically “yeah these videos of cops murdering people make me feel bad so let’s give more money to police.”

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Yeah, fair.

scarborough was and is a republican. it’s hard to remember anything in this day and age, especially with trump realignment, but you are talking about a reagan/bush disciple.


He’s not though, anymore. He’s a Republican in the sense that Iron is a Republican, which is the sense where we’d all kinda prefer it to be true but it’s not.

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Mr. Overton calls these people Progressives.