Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Yeah exactly. This piece is embarrassing. To look at health care in America and devote resources to a piece arguing that there is a problem with the free kids cancer hospital not…replacing every source of income for the affected families is, well, one choice I guess.

This is…not much? And they’re spending a huge percentage of donations! What exactly is the complaint here? JFC A SITTING US SENATOR ROBBED MEDICARE OF LIKE $700 MILLION

It currently has $5.2 billion in reserves, a sum large enough to run the institution at current levels for the next four and a half years without a single additional donation.

Then explicitly say “this is why we need universal health care” instead of doing a hit piece on an organization giving over a billion dollars a year in free care to sick kids. The article is lazy and dumb.

That’s a pretty fucking infuriating article. Definitely one of the top in this thread for me among many worthy contenders.

Completely aside from the point of the article, one thing I was interested in is that St. Jude covers copays and deductibles. I remember reading somewhere that insurance contracts specifically prevent this kind of thing because they want patients to “have skin in the game” and be incentivized to not utilize services. So, I’m curious about how they get around it. Hospitals often go through some shenanigans to basically do this (because they wanna get paid by the insurance company), but what they never do is advertise it up front.

OK this is absolutely beyond parody. I’m writing WaPo a nastygram over this shit.

A veteran helped spread viral 9/11 conspiracy theories. Can he start over?




The establishment is a bunch of weenies who fear civil war.

Probably literally written by his PR team

So I watched John Oliver’s show from yesterday and that popped up as a suggestion:

Based on title and comments I dont even want to watch it.

It’s not bad at all. It’s about NIMBYs.

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Republicans say




If there’s one thing wrong with America’s political situation, it is that there is not enough empathy for Chris Christie.

The camera adds ten pounds to him.

Because he ate it?


It’s 2021 and there are countless ways to spend your time.

Why the hell would literally anyone on the planet willingly watch that?


Mental illness. But I get that was a rhetorical question :slight_smile:

There are still a lot of Third Way Dems that desperately craze affirmation of their fantasy that there are Reasonable Republicans to work with and it’s the Extremist Progressives that are wrong. They will LOVE this kind of thing that gives them permission to defy observable reality that contradicts their world view.

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Nancy is out there saying “we need a strong Republican Party” RIGHT NOW

Why the shit is this happening?


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Well yeah, she needs collaborators that are willing to turn a blind eye to her insider trading schemes. If I were her I’d be terrified of a motivated and vengeful Deplorable Party Justice Department too.

But I’m talking about run of the mill conventional eDems (think high earning professionals and the corporate management class) that value order above everything else. For them things are going mostly just fine, as long as taxes don’t run too high and the country avoids outbreaks of violence they are going to continue to be mostly just fine. They just need to dodge the biggest climate change bullets and it’s all good. For them they want a government that involves Romney types and Buttigieg types having debates in a very narrow range of policy areas that promote stability as a top priority, certainly ahead of strident populism (left or right). Those folks will embrace the white washing of Trump admin crimes and Christie types so they can back to what they really want, which is assurance that their privilege will persist but with enough genuflecting to liberal ideology to assuage their natural (if suppressed) guilt.