Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

One of the many terrible consequences of increasing wealth concentration is that the rich have so much money they just spend it on absurd nonsense. The people who are paying for this stuff are the people who have so much money that they can incinerate cumulative millions to billions of it without losing any quality of life.

It’s a money laundering operation.

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Keep Austin Weird.


Aw come the fuck on. We already took Elon we have to take this idiocy too?

Imagine naming something the University of Austin in the city that has UT’s main campus in it. It’s like opening the University of Berkeley down the street from UC- Berkeley.


And you got Rogan.

Yeah I don’t think I can single handedly balance it out… but if the rest of you move here it might work.



Texas universities are accredited by SACSCOC. Cmon, nobody? That has to be a joke.

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i’ll save you the click to lolcnn, and just counter that “no, nothing backfired on gosar or gop.”

No way can you guess who penned this

Look at the article below it!


Let’s play the “if democrats” game.


The funny point about “people actually liked hillbilly elegy” is that it bombed! It was a massive failure!


i didn’t watch it, but this is likely one of those films that you could only like if it confirmed your worldview. most didn’t see it, but those that did probably self-selected due to targeted marketing.

i mean, we all love to lol at david brooks and lol at polling, but using rotten tomatoes gap of 58 points alongside actual polling numbers should be disqualifying for a columnist whose opinion is demonstrably shit.

Republicans are very deliberately trying to twist the meaning of the word “elite” such that they themselves don’t count as elites. A fun way to do this is to define people with education and basic good taste as “elites,” such that some schmuck in a studio apartment with a film studies degree writing movie reviews is an out-of-touch elite while guys like JD Vance and David Brooks are Ordinary People.


“Forceful and controversial”

I was wondering why my very close friend Immanuel Kant was trending on Twitter. Turns out it’s because Thiessen is a moron:

Is that supposed to be a scandal? That the charity that provides free medical care to kids with cancer isn’t also acting as a charity long term disability insurance?


Its not enough not to get a bill from St. Jude’s. You should also be paid by St. Jude’s?