Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

no dawg it means the Russians are giving her haircuts and makeovers and stuff. If true it’s working, Tulsi looks great! But Hillary needs to have the salon receipts and stuff in order for it to be credible.

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No they are pushing her with their social media game.

Fake news!

Seriously though if you guys think that this sort of red-baiting is good for American politics and discourse I’m not sure what to tell you. It’s very bad.

If you think pretending they are not pushing her and putting your head in the sand is good i dont no what to tell ya.

Also why do you never call out the red baiting the whole damn republican party engages in daily? I mean if its really bad we should have some post on you on that. Right?

Not that im defending Hillary or what she said. She should go away.

So is nobody going to say out loud that Trump is legitimately under Putin’s control? Because he obviously is.


Lol look how much the libs are triggered when Trump gives Putin victory after victory after victory. Never gets old. Suck it snowflakes.


The press is afraid to call it a lie when he just makes shit up, they’re never going to say he’s Putin’s puppet.

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I honestly haven’t seen the sort of red-baiting that Hillary did from any prominent Republican. Can you post an example of this? In the primary thread though I did approvingly post Obama telling Romney he was dumb for thinking Russia is the biggest threat the US faces. But of course even Romney’s position wasn’t red-baiting, which is what Joe McCarthy and now Hillary Clinton engaged in. Red-baiting is smearing someone for Russian sympathies and loyalty. Romney just had a probably honest and good faith but bad foreign policy position. Hillary is just straight up red-baiting, which is despicable. No surprise coming from her.

Hillary said that in front of a large national audience, and wow, she was right. Maybe she’s right on Tulsi too. Who can know?

I don’t know, I found the “No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet” rebuttal to be quite convincing.



informal•North American

gerund or present participle: red-baiting

  1. harass or persecute (someone) on account of known or suspected communist sympathies.

“the red-baiting chairman of the Senate committee”

Um Russia is not Communists anymore. Saying someone has allegiance to or is being promoted by Russia today is not red baiting.

Saying the democrats are communist or socialists is. Which happens a lot. Even by the president.

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Is this where we remind you that Tulsi Gabbard is a sitting Congressperson and is also running for POTUS? It’s cool if Tulsi Gabbard’s principles/desires all line up with Putin’s, no one cares about that in the context of a person, but as a Congressperson/POTUS candidate it’s pretty damn problematic.

Hey if someone around here attacks Sanders for being a communist I’ll defend him. Hey, I’ll say, he’s a socialist, not a communist! And if someone here calls Mayor Pete a socialist I’ll say no he’s not, he’s a covert neoliberal shill. If everyone here was all fuck off with this nonsense Neera Tanden and Hillary I wouldn’t say anything. But many posters are actually buying into Hillary’s nonsense.

You want to quibble with what is or isn’t red baiting, I don’t really care. This is the same sort of evidence free smear that was at the heart of McCarthyism: insinuation that the target of the attack had loyalty to Russia. If you don’t see that then I’m not sure what else to say.

Its not a quibble you are flat out wrong about what red-bating is.

hopefully you can see that is entirely tangential to my point

The Russians just got caught red-handed funneling more than $1 million in political donations through Trump’s personal attorney.


Was so blatant that even Barr couldn’t look the other way.

If anything, the response to this is way too muted. But sure, keep repeating the Trump line that he has nothing to do with Russia.

It certainly would be serious if Tulsi had loyalty to Putin or Russia over the US. If Hillary has evidence supporting that accusation she ought to share it with the country. As you say, it’s important.

Hopefully you can retract saying republicans are not red baiting and no longer need examples from me.

To me red baiting isn’t just saying someone is a socialist (which is not exactly a smear if you’re talking about Bernie, it’s more or less true). It’s also insinuating that someone is loyal to and an agent of our great enemy, Russia. Certainly that’s what it was at the height of the Red Scare in the 50s. So no, I don’t agree that when Republicans say stuff like Democrats are socialists – they believe in medicare for all, jobs guarantees, UBI, etc they are red baiting. It’s at most a slightly inaccurate political attack based on their actual positions. They’re not insinuating divided loyalty that I’ve ever seen.