Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I was pissed when they banned my Dilembe Mutombo account.

I only ever use facebook for this one fan page. Obviously fake name, but Zuck hasn’t caught me yet.

Also lol at Zuckerberg retconning his backstory. He invented Facebook so he could creep on the girls in his dorm. Now he’s pretending it was for anti-Iraq discoursing?


When the Facebook movie came out I thought it was too hard on Zuck. Whoops. Dude is straight up evil, an absolute monster.


Let us add super anti Semite to Greenwald’s CV.


Did you mean Assange?

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Here’s another A+ piece by some Washington Post people I’ve never heard of:


It quotes a few unnamed people relating stuff that happened in the deposition of George Kent. I’m just gonna take a wild guess and say that one of the people was Gym Jordan and that the other was Lee Zeldin (both are on committees that would be allowed to sit in). GJGE cherry picking from people like this. It’s worth the 4 or 5 paragraphs you’re able to read before you close it for being dumb and stilted. It looks like a low grade Obama smear up to the point I got before stopping reading.


Dammit WaPo, don’t go full NYT on us.

Taxing billionaires is unfair because when I somehow become a billionaire I don’t want to pay taxes. Also my great great great great grandchildren deserve to benefit from all the hard work I’m going to put in to somehow becoming a billionaire.


Taxing billionaires is unfair, because they won’t even be able to tell they were taxed, unless they’re Russ Danneman.



Lol greenwald and keedwald both support tulsi






Correlation <> Causation

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Someone needs to cancel Mayor Pete, can’t believe he’s a Putin secret agent as well. Disgusting!

Let me help you, buddy, the idea of ‘grooming’ is that the person doesn’t know they’re being ‘groomed’. Otherwise it would be ‘mentored’.