Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This proves the movie The Hidden was non-fiction. It went into Cavuto when Smith signed off for the last time.

Haven’t seen that one, guess I miss the reference

I’m going to make a recommendation. Go find the movie, The Hidden, and watch it. It is great (from 1987 I think).

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Found it


Yeah I used to listen to am/fm talk radio for years (stooped like 11 years ago) but the commercial breaks make it unlistenable and it is worse now. You can get three 12 minute breaks in an hour.

Someone on Brian Williams’ graphics team did a solid troll in a short segment he did about the first 1000 days of Trump’s presidency. The graphic in the upper left corner had a white background with the day number in black of Trump’s presidency for each clip. Below the white box was a thin blue stripe. Below the blue stripe was a thin red stripe. The graphic was the colors of the Russian flag.



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The billionaires that run everything are so terrified of higher taxes that even the liberal ones would rather have Trump.

Responses to his most recent tweet are: fire Cavuto, mostly


It was a “shift,” you see, like they do in football sometimes. It’s totally not that he completely changed his story. Just a shift.

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Osama Bin Laden shifts story on 9/11


Because politicians’ speech matters more than average Joe’s speech just as the Framers intended

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That’s tech-bro speak for “I’m going to continue to let bigots weaponize social media.”


Daily reminder not to use Facebook etc etc.

Social media is not obligated to advance clear lies by politicians to help magnify their hateful rhetoric. So no pock on name mark no.

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But if you don’t use your legal name they’ll ban your account.

Because that makes the data you generate less valuable LDO.


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