Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

You might have found your new 11th Hour anchor…

One of the cynical articles on the SI deal said it is really just a way to try and cut costs, milk money before the customers catch on, then letting it burn. The firms charge their investors and they charge fees for consulting to the company, all while the company bears 95% of the debt.

It is an absolute scam.


I think he said with his Fox agreement he can’t be an anchor in a rival for a while


Unfortunately, that is just what Trump/Murdoch/Barr want, a cleansing of all “traitors.”

I have mixed feelings about Shep. He was sort of a useful token liberal who was there only so Fox News could claim it had diverse viewpoints and I can’t imagine ever being a non-MAGA chud working there. On the other hand, he seemed to care about what he was doing, and he gave us this amazing sequence of him trolling the fuck out of Glen Beck, which I cherish to this day:

Rupert Murdoch sank $150MM into Theranos, that makes me happy

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He sank more than that into Wendi Deng


Didn’t GG Allin always take a shit on stage?

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The last couple days, I’ve flipped to Fox News just to see what’s up. Every time I switch to it, it’s commercial time. Saw one with Gorka selling something.

His head can fit in the screen?

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I’ve tried to do the same on occasion. I’d swear that Fox runs more commercials than almost any other station. “No half-ass griftin” is apparently their motto.


‘Occasionally Report, Usually Trying To Fleece You’

Try AM radio. Commercial breaks are ridiculously long.

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I swear I must have the greatest luck of catching stuff on FOXNEWS when I randomly check in. I just turned on Cavuto’s show in time to see squish-head incompetent Gregg Jarrett on there to pimp his new book, “Witch Hunt Hoax” or some other nonsense he churns out. I love watching Jarrett because he tries to carry this erudite presence and gravely speak on subjects but he’s just an addled fumbler with loony eyes that dance around like popping corn. He wanted to spew the standard GOP wackjob retreads about Hillary, Biden, Ukraine, etc and Cavuto was having none of it! He just ignored Jarrett’s drivel and kept asking him basic questions about how Trump keeps fucking up. He asked him about Trump lying about the Stormy Daniels payment and Jarrett, stunned and looking like his face had been peeled off so you could hear the wind in his skull, just said “what payment?” and tried to get back into conspiracy theories. Nope! Cavuto kept hitting, moving on to questions about the Ukraine call and transcript, Jarrett parrying with the adroitness of a dog hyperactively pawing at Legos. God that was fantastic, poor Jarrett thought he’d just do his standard “Fox Intellectual” rambling and pimp his book, totally shut down. At the end (not making this up) Cavuto says, “Thanks Gregg, we’ll certainly have you back.” “No you won’t.”