Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Imagine if Howard Schultz and Tom Steyer, instead of being vain assholes, simply funded an actual not piece of shit media outlet!


I think some decent media outlets have folded in the last few months. They could have sued some help.

Styer is like a Soros light. Has some good intentions but lacks the broader vision Soros gained through life experience and as a student of Popper The Open Society and Its Enemies - Wikipedia

Why go with “terminated” instead of “agreed to separate” or “conscious decoupling” or whatever?


What did Trey do to get fired? Another MeToo incident over at Fox News?

Nah, just signed onto Team Exonerate Trump. A heroic cause if ever there was one.

Because I can’t think of where else to put this, Splinter is folding:

Damn, Splinter was solid.


I feel like the stuff I read out of Splinter was mostly dogshit, but maybe I got unlucky. Libby Watson is alright, but she left in August.

I don’t understand why its profitable to buy a site then fire everyone.

Lol I just linked a splinter story for first time today.

The “print” aspect of the web is struggling. Video and podcast drive a lot of revenue for sites that are remaining stable (of those that have a tv channel)

It depends on the site, but I’d imagine that the ideal scenario would go something like:

  • Find a site with a strong brand, loyal readership and a good back catalog (for example, Sports Illustrated). Try to monetize those assets as much as possible.

  • Drive down the cost structure of new content production by firing writers and hiring new ones for less or no pay and getting reducing the amount of editors / middle management. You might lose some old talent, but maybe some of the new folks turn out to be good.

  • If you lose readership due to a decline in content quality, hope that the lower cost structure makes up for it.

Yeah, that sucks. Splinter had become my go-to news site.

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“that could tarnish Democrats”


God I hate NYT

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I read this as being Trump’s goal, not that it was legitimate.





Andy Lack is knocking ficuses over left and right trying to get to a phone to offer him millions to come to MSNBC