Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

because they are soon going to live in a minority majority society and nationalism brings even greater corruption and authoritarianism.

imagine just now figuring out what joe biden wants to do.

Opinion: Biden’s Build Back Better proposal gives away the Democrats’ game



The child-care proposal is a good example of where the framework goes wrong.

oh lol. oregon, meet your new governor

NY Times just giving Josh Hawley a platform in their opinion section today.




It sounds like the parents in the story were legit bootstrappers.

LA Times had essentially the same thing as its lead story on the front page yesterday or the day before. I’m rooting for the meteor at this point.



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I try really hard to not let this stuff bug me, but JFC.

This shit is obviously intentional. Is it just PR firms that flood the media outlets with money to write this stuff?

Are you familiar with Conor Friedersdorf? These are genuinely the type of thoughts going on in his brain.

Edit: But yes I mean, the establishment centrist ideological project essentially consists of propping up the legitimacy of the establishment and the status quo and that’s why we get stuff like this and stuff like Megan McArdle knocking out 5,000 “You might think it would be a good thing if less children died of leukemia, but have you stopped to think about the unintended consequences” pieces. These media organs are by and for the ruling class and therefore they deliver pieces about how the system is good and working fine and the GOP is not top to bottom insane by any reasonable measure. That’s what the audience wants to hear.



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The reporter’s response:




The guy is a fucking Katten tax attorney with tons of WINRED donations that are found in about four clicks and 30 seconds.





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We are done as a country for two reasons:

The New York Times

If either of those things didn’t exist, this country would be a much, much better place.

If you think too many NY Times readers is a problem I question your idea of social reality.

FB is only a problem because it is a force multiplier for crazies. People had to mimeograph John Birch Society newsletters back in the day.


Counterpoint and checkmate:


The [former] NY Times readers that are the problem aren’t people like you and me, it’s their colleague media members at other outlets who view them as the standard bearer and follow their lead as to what the narratives of the day should be.

Yeah it’s pretty obvious the issue isn’t that there are too many NY Times readers. The issue is that the NY Times bothsided our country into oblivion. Master’s headline being one of the most recent examples that was DIRECTLY responsible for Trump being elected. He loses without that headline.

The article I cited above is also a significant issue, as it shows extreme laziness in reporting in order to try to get to the bothsidesism. NY Times reporters get paid good money and are generally supposed to be the best in the country. L O L at that.