Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The people who are the problem only know the NY Times exists because they heard about it third hand from Fox, Breitbart, or patriot planet message boards. Trump’s base is 60+ non college whites. They couldn’t find NY on a map.

Dude if you don’t understand how the NY Times shapes the narrative, then you really don’t get it. Do you think the media’s focus on how both sides are good and equal (SEE TRUMP’S FUCKING COMMENT AFTER CHARLOTTESVILLE FOR FUCK’S SAKE) is accurate? How can you not take issue with this?


This notion that it is the media’s job to elect Democrats is recent. While acknowledging there was a feedback loop, the emails were a big story. It was a big story because it was a big story, but not talking about something that was having a big effect on the race or using the opportunity to write “but Trump” stories is ridiculous.

Interesting graphic.

The emails were completely fucking meaningless, just like Benghazi, Obama’s tan suit and everything else the right force feeds to these fucking scumbag idiots to thoughtlessly run with. Jared Kushner was negotiating Saudi bribes on a private email account and nobody covered it at all.

They literally think their job is to “investigate” whatever Republicans are complaining about.


and who can forget this gem?

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That is in fact one of their jobs, which isn’t the same thing as uncritically printing it.

That headline is accurate.

Here’s a good 9000 word article on media ecosystems. Liberals Read, Conservatives Watch TV

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Lots of “Hillary - Biden” voters at Nazi rallies. What a nitwit.



If it is part of their job, which I do not concede, they do a terrible job at the critical part. They give the GOP the headlines and pictures they want to catch people’s attention, repeat what the GOP says in the first couple of paragraphs, then the NYT writer subtly raises a literary eyebrow that let’s the astute reader know the NYT writer is not necessarily buying the GOP story. It’s dogshit, cowardly journalism.

Not a GOP plant article, but it this is an especially egregious example of NYT’s piss poor, embarrassing journalism that actively misleads the reader:

So what did Jeffrey Epstein do to earn hundreds of millions of dollars from a handful of wealthy clients like the private equity billionaire [Leon Black](

The answer: help rich people pay less in taxes.


Imagine how big of a clown you have to be to write that sentence. How did Epstein earn his money?

> The answer: help rich people pay less in taxes.


We are done as a country for a lot more reasons. A big one I can think of is because reconciliation won over reconstruction in the aftermath of the Civil War. The North’s/ our Country’s failure to fully exorcise the demons that lingered from slavery is just a complete fucking tragic disaster.

Meanwhile, let’s get back to the real issues:

What do you think a newspaper’s editor’s job is? Someone is deciding what gets published. The fact that they publish so much right wing bad faith bullshit is the point.

Not the right thread for this, but we don’t have a “when media does their job” thread.


Right. We have an entire political party engaging in truly psychotic behavior yet the New York Times, despite having immense resources, can’t ever seem to find a Republican voter that represents the core beliefs of the party, specifically that Donald Trump is awesome, the 2020 election was stolen, the vaccine is bad, police are never wrong, and white people are superior to everyone else.

You don’t even have to try very hard to find these people and get them on the record, btw. They’re dying to tell anyone that will listen!


Many of them can be found in Congress.

That is indeed true, but degrees matter and there’s no point bothsidsing on this issue. Republicans are clearly and transparently more enthusiastic about licking boots and they are explicitly white supremacists. There’s no comparison, it’s like telling someone “HEY KALE HAS CALORIES TOO!” when they point out your Big Mac meal has a billion calories.

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This is very circular though. Their coverage shapes opinions. We know better than to assume that corporations “just deliver what buyers want”. We have the insight to detect when corporations manufacture demand for their products, why so we have to pretend that the NYT is benign?

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