Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

This is a false dichotomy framing. You can have government funded media that is not government controlled. In fact, plenty of countries have just that.

To save up for his first property, Mehta worked at Sotheby’s while still attending the University of California, Berkeley. In 2017, he and his brother, who is his business partner, bought their first house for $950,000.




I confess to being a Gail Collins fanboy, but Jesus Christmas The Conversation w/ her and Stephens is an atrocious fucking waste of newshole. Almost unreadable.

Every one of those stories seems to have some version of: to save on rent my parents gave us a condo and paid all the fees on it so we could aggressively pay down debt and begin investing. We also started a side hustle blogging which makes 20k/month.

Their cheeky tone is legitimately offensive. Read the room. Bret Stephens is a god damn scumbag and a complete embarrassment.

Oh boy the NYT has a thinkpiece on Rittenhouse.

Less than two hours later, he would shoot three men, killing two and wounding the third, and transforming himself, in an instant, into a Rorschach test.

As for Rittenhouse’s politics, his since-deleted social media accounts suggested they had been conventional enough: He attended a Trump rally in February, and he had an interest in guns and a total adoration of the police. His posts were scattered with images of the Thin Blue Line: a black-and-white American flag with a single blue stripe, embodying the tribal vision of law enforcement as the only thing keeping anarchy from overrunning society.

Just normal teenage boy stuff!


Skimming through that piece and if you try to make Kyle out to be a typical suburban teen, it’s very difficult to avoid the conclusion that ordinary mainstream Republican politics is violent and fascist.

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Six Siberian real estate salesmen share the secrets of their success.



Look at this op-ed lineup. Not a single article I’m remotely interested in reading, or even skimming. This is embarrassing.

i thought you canceled


Imagine being Bari Weiss, getting booted from the NYT for being below their standards and then looking at this lineup.

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I wonder if she’ll maybe find these suburban women in a diner somewhere



Oh good, more diner patron interviews.

Care to ask those women how many GOP Congresscritters support paid family leave?

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The implicit thing here is that, if the dems can’t even do basic kitchen table economics for white suburbanites (and certainly not poors), why shouldn’t those suburbanites turn to blood and soil nationalism?


ah yes the good old “they’re even worse” argument, definitely a great way to win elections, much better than actually passing massively popular policies that huge numbers of people actually want